3.2.5 Known Issues (PC/Mobile/Console)

3200 is okay score. 3250 is decent. 3270+ is great score.

So actually you lose 3 troops and you blame faerie fire for not affecting Draak cast for your poor score?

Who’s fielding goblins on blue day anyway? That’s such a waste.

A guild member told me Draakulis cast isn’t buffed because he doesn’t do damage. “He steals life”.
I’m going to leave my post here though so that others may learn “to read the fine print”. I feel like his cast should still be buffed by fairy fire… But oh well.

I can’t tell you who. And yeah I was like easy match. But unfortunately I couldn’t get any troop Frozen before they went off. I lost one troop because of Goblins. 3 left standing. Match should’ve been over after the second cast by Draakulis. But it wasn’t… Resulting in him being the one left stading. And the only reason I won. I went in expecting to lose points because of Draakulis. No other reason. I usually get 3280 the first match.

Pic or didn’t happen.

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Seriously??! Lol. I’ll see what I can do.

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This was yesterday. I think I made too many extra turns. Will this suffice or do you expect me to find exactly 3280?

3280 is 3280. That’s 3273 not 3280. And you said usually, means you did it in regular basis not just once.

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My apologies kind sir. I should have said usually 3270.
I should absolutely know exactly what my Average is before daring to make such claims on the sacred forums.
Regardless, expecting to score 3200 with a Draakulis team is not ridiculous. But way to distract from this comment.

Based off.

You know… Since we’re being SO LITERAL and all. :blush:

It’s not. But with your further explanation that you lose 3 troops and still expecting to score 3200+ is ridiculous. And you blamed FF being bugged for your crappy score. And you submit a ticket about it. And you posted it in this known issue thread and still want 200 GW points back despite it’s not because of bug.

Lol. For someone who focuses so much on wording. You seem to miss a lot of words.

At the time I thought it was a bug which I explained.
I also made it clear how the match would’ve been over after Draakulis casted had it been buffed. At the time I would have only lost one troop.

The 200 points is satirical in nature. Since gold and souls do little to at ease disappointment.

If you’re not going to read everything I say. Then I’m not going to waste my time further with you. Good day sir.

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Not completely… :stuck_out_tongue:


Well Goblin in general is not that great on defense anyway. Statistically speaking, their win rate on defense is only around 15.50% with the highest, surprisingly, on brown day with 20.57% despite there’s Chomper there and the lowest on green day with 14.17%.

I personally didn’t put Goblin on my defense last few weeks as people seems already figured out how to deal with them. But again, RNG factor is always there with goblins.

The console bug for returning to the splash screen is getting more and more annoying. Today I was in a PvP match, stepped away from the console for something for a bit, and came back to see it on the splash screen. It counted as a loss.

Can the devs confirm this will be addressed in the next patch?

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Hey Vega, we are having some trouble reproducing it so at this stage it won’t be addressed next update. I’ve reminded the team about it will be looked into for a future update. :slight_smile:

  1. Play with a wireless controller (xbox one)

  2. Go past the splash screen

  3. Once the controller shuts off due to inactivity, there is a very high chance of the game returning to the splash screen. This sometimes happens even if you manually shut off the controller. This bug was introduced the same update the new UI was introduced.

  4. It’s hard to reproduce because none of the game devs play the console version, except under duress. You need to have some people on the team who are only allowed to play the console version so they start seeing the same bugs the rest of us console players do.


On xbox when you switch controller during the fight it sometimes make the game crash

We are only having some trouble reproducing it as it occurs on some of our XBox devices but not all. Usually it also produces a warning message that the controller has been DC’d. As mentioned, it won’t be addressed for next update as we have already passed code-lock (the time when all bugs/code changes need to be in place). Otherwise, thanks for your information :slight_smile: there’s nothing new I can tell you regarding it as we are doing our best to look into it when we can.

Xbox french version, try to change language make the game crash and stay in same language

What language are you changing too? And so it crashes, then you open the game again but it doesn’t show the language changed? What defines a crash for you - game completely closes or it just freezes/nothing happens?

French try to change any language and the game crash and it Restart the game and back to the loading screen. And the language stay in french