3.1 update verdict?

All good points, I have my own… overall, I am thoroughly annoyed with this patch at the moment. Maybe I would be less so if not for the general atmosphere we have right now, but still.

(I’m just on PC with a bit of mobile, for the record)

AI / Cascades

There’s only so much to say about this, but what we have now isn’t helping.
Losing is okay.
Losing because of dumb no-fun mechanics, not as okay.
Losing because we have no idea what the AI is doing? VERY MUCH not okay!


Just soooo many missed opportunities with this one. Set conditions to be met for higher rewards, or something. Don’t give us that luck BS for the Diamonds, that’s just bad. Additonally, they’re just too easy to do for high-level players.

Today’s final dungeon was the Stonehammer with 100% skull immunity and now with five immunities to status/devour etc. And the three dwarves behind him have Fortitude or Impervious as well. I beat this dungeon with Maw-Mercy - not my best idea - via Infernal King’s split damage.

(Plus, if Stony is going to be 100% immune to skull damage, can he not take 1-2 damage from 4-/5-skull hits? Please?)

The Soulforge

Firstly, not a mini-game at all, why in blazes is it there …? Same could be said of dungeons, really…

Okay, seriously now. This has some long-awaited QoL things with the conversion processes, and then it solely exists to mess with us. I haven’t unlocked everything (see below) but what I’ve seen and heard from spoilers does not bode well.

Mainly, we do not need all this cool stuff sitting behind walls that require either an immense amount of time or Gems or money to break down. Apparently there’s some 2500 or 2000 kills needed to fully unlock up to level 10. Now, I’m lvl1100+ and I play every day, but that’s still going to take me a number of weeks unless I seriously step things up. I do not want to have to bypass this by throwing Gems at it, because I need those to use on what is in here, among other things (like everything else we use Gems for already??).

And then once its unlocked, one of two things happens, both similar: either the user goes ‘oh yeah I still need 4000 diamonds to get a mythic and I’m nowhere near that amount yet’ - or they go ‘wait, 4000 diamonds? I didn’t know about THAT, why did I bother with this then??’. The amount of time it takes to get 4000 Diamonds is just… unseemly. Waiting to see what Sunday dungeons and modified guild tasks give us in terms of Diamonds, but it doesn’t look pretty.

Summoning stones are a gigantic noob-trap.

The weapons are okay, though the swords look like big anti-fun things to put on Guild Wars defenses.

Modified Guild Tasks

Okay, we’re getting Diamonds instead of some bits, so its not entirely a nerf. But … given that we’ve just been hit with a massive slow-down due to the AI fighting back, the 4x speed increase is seeming like less of a big deal now. So the reduction doesn’t seem as justified.



Unfortunately this new AI or the gems spawning I don’t know threw the fun aspect out of my window. I was playing the game for the last 5 months for having small fun when I was commuting and helped blow off my steam for the day. I was trying to lead a group of my friends and their energy also kept me going.

But I’m using the same teams since these three days but I started to lose half of my games for whatever reason and I’m not happy with It. I never considered this game a hardcore game I should excel. It is a fun game, and a good one but It’s not for me anymore. I’d take dumb skull baited AI to this serious one any day.

It’s the third day since the patch and this how much I can endure. I’m out unless they revert It to dumb but fun version.


Did anyone notice the lack of kingdom symbols on the troops cards?

I’m just setting up a team and now I’ve no clue how to see where a troop is coming from ;_;

Already flagged

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I embarrassed Eternal Stonehammer with Mab.

But can we talk about how it makes no sense Fortitude gives Devour immunity? They’re short little guys! You’re telling me Great Maw can’t Devour them? I don’t even see how it fits into the stereotypical dwarf mythology.


I 100% Agree

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Well 2 days left before console get the update and after everything i readed about it i am a little nervous, it look like the justice league is still there and more bug in addition

That doesn’t look good at all, well at least we will be able to start banking the precious ressources for the very long process of crafting. And we will be able to catch up kingdom and troops, But i can’t say anything else positive about that.

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Calemir, I too am somewhat in mourning over the loss of my favorite little casual match-3/collectible game. It used to be a stress-reliever and mindless time-waster at the end of a long day, now it’s much more involved and hardcore. Good in some ways, bad in many others.

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Maybe Dwarves taste icky, Kraken and Maw prefer longpig :wink:

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Yeah dwarves dont take shower very often and they always in mines :slight_smile:

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Can you please share / pm which games you are considering as I am also in the same boat as you.

Also like I have said before, their pee-wees is pretty small so they piss themselves out, thats why nobody wants to devour them. Stinky little dwarfs… :wink: Yet my favourite of why they are immune to Devour.

I can’t - It crashes my PC. I won’t even try it on my Android. I learned if I wanted to play I don’t play on 4x. I also don’t play on the best graphics option and I have sound turned off so I don’t end up with one of the more rarer issues - (It happens with all games not just Gems) I have the screen go black but the sound continues to play even though the game is dead.

And I am fine with not playing on 4x Where I would love to see performance improvement is get rid of the ridiculous numbers of additional screens (for collecting chest rewards and for PVP rewards)

@Ozball - what I was surprised that the Dev seemed to not take into account is the number of events that have PVP +500 Gold / The additional events that have high Gold rewards - It’s a lot of gold to make with that. And how many of us are now in GRIND mode, some of us still like some sort of challenge so we have the Difficulty at least Warlord II.

I know between sitting on line all day to collect tribute, my additional PVP bonuses and my grind was 1/2 more than I was making 4 months or even 3 months ago.

I also happen to be a very incredibly ocd type and track it in my spreadsheet. MINE 50% increase is pure game mechanics and not 4x.

And I know a LOT of folks who are like me.

So maybe the dev would be kind enough to share some high level breakouts stats…
How can they tell it’s 4x -verses someone who played a lot of PVP for that additional 500,
How many are tribute?
How many are Warlord III or IV
How many are Armour specific
How many are building gold digging teams
How many were because Guilds started realizing if they upped their reqs they could finish more tasks? - aka meaning people had to work more to do that.

And how many are because it was summer time and a lot of people had more free time?

I just think that honestly if Devs are going to make a causality statement (We have seen an 20-25% influx in gold in the system) what additional data points did they rule out to make sure it wasn’t any of the above? How are they completely sure it’s because of 4x. Are we looking at a small sampling size, are we reviewing the ratios. As a stats freak mathy - I can see a bunch of ways to create this causality statement with out correlating data.


I’ve said this before but the thing to bear in mind is that 4x speed was only on PC so the full effects weren’t felt, and guilds didn’t up their reqs to accommodate. This latter point is really important: Most play to their guild reqs so the end result is less total playtime NOT more gold.

What that’s meant is that only a small number of people have really taken advantage of it. That doesn’t mean that 4x speed doesn’t clearly lead to inflation. Clearly the same amount of playtime where the speed is 4x produces more gold/hr. I don’t really even see how that’s arguable.


As a long time player, this year has been a lot of introductions of things that made the game less fun to play.

When I heard crafting was coming, I wasn’t thinking ‘unlimited mythics’ or anything. I have ALL the mythics already. My issues is the common troops, which as far as I can tell, I can’t seem to craft here.

Secondly, the problem with the crafting system is the introduction of MORE currency. This issue is huge because this game already has a stupid amount of different things to collect.

Third, crafting implies you can get what you want if you grind for it. NO, they made it RANDOM. That’s so retarded it makes me wonder at the intelligence of the devs. I think its cheaper for me to just sit and pull gold keys for the common I want than try to grind 3 dungeons a day for a few months to get enough stuff to craft… and when I do it will still be random and I won’t get the commons I want or need.

So yeah, this is a total failure and really a negative impact on the game as a whole because they spent so much time and energy and built up such mystique around it that when it came it was a total let down and flop.

I can’t see myself sticking with this game any longer. Its no longer fun to just grind out your PVP because the AI now can loop for all eternity and people are making super loop teams that you only win against if the initial starting board gives you enough mana to cast a spell/allows you to cast your empowered.

Thanks for the nearly 3 years of fun, devs, Gems of War is pretty much over, I feel like you used up your ‘good game’ mojo in the first two years and everything you’re doing this year is just a failure - guild wars and crafting took so much of your time and yet they added nothing to the game and ended up detracting.


The more I think about it, the madder I get at the devs for being so bone-headed.

In my mind, crafting was for those people who are deeply unlucky wround the RNG for opening chests. I’m one of them. It was only at this particular chest opening that I finally got Tesla to mythic, and I’m someone who burns through keys every week, and VIP keys whenever a mythic hits.

So when I found out that the summoning stones are random, I realized how useless crafting is.

Say there are 100 red troops in the game and I only need 2 particular ones. How many times do I have to grind out those dungeons to get enough summoning stones to get those 2? Probably close to 15,000 at my luck level. That makes it cheaper and easier to just grind out keys rather than do this.



What do you mean by random? If you combine shards and ruby as example? You got random chance of minor major or runic stone?

What I mean is that I figured I’m missing a few blue troops so lets try crafting a blue summoning stone.

I created two. I was hoping above all hopes that when I used it I would get a troop selection screen where I could pick the troops I wanted. Guess what? No, it just randomly assigned me two ultra-rare blue troops.

That is broken beyond words. Why craft when you can open a chest? All crafting is showing itself to be is a more expensive, grindy chest opening that lets you limit the color/rarity a bit more.