3.1 update verdict?

Seriously? Well i understand your frustration and this suck, very bad decision

I also agree chest is a better solution for
Common, rare and ultra rare troops. Personally i will only use it for mythic, i am missing only 2 and i feel like it will be a pain in the ass to craft them. I really hope i catch the futures mythic in chest during this time

Speaking of a…

Have a look at this…

Full nerf confirmed (at least for now).

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Wow double fails :sob:

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Well, I finally got enough battles to buy Soulforge level 5: runics and arcanes. (I cleared out some challenges I’ve been saving up—410 souls per battle plus the bonus, netting me a nice 40,000 souls to play with.)

I really like it. Runics are the most difficult traitstone to acquire. You can’t buy them in the glory package, and they come very slowly from battles and keys. And EVERY troop needs some, with epic or higher rarity not even able to progress past trait one without. I upgraded a whole bunch of kingdoms to 7 stars. (Surprising how fast you burn through 40,000 souls crafting runics.)

The arcanes are very expensive to craft, and my guess is that option will only be utilized by high level players. I had a lot of extra minor and major traitstones, but not nearly enough to burn 96 majors and 2400 souls to create a single arcane. That number jumps up to 288 minors and 12,000 souls if you run out of major traitstones and have to craft the whole thing from scratch. Yikes! An early impression is that the major traitstones have been dialed back, and appear to drop at a lower rate now. That is a little disconcerting. On the other hand, my explores and challenges seemed to be a little more generous in handing out higher level stones. I don’t really have enough time in to determine if this is really so, but as I said, it is an early impression. Overall, the soulforge is a win for me.

On troop crafting.
Like crafting arcanes, I expect this is mostly an option for the very high-level players. I don’t care much about it yet. My needs are still a little more basic. I think it is a nice bonus that will apparently be expensive. It sounds like you will eventually be able to get any troop you need, just maybe not as soon as you want it. It’s sort of like waiting for the right arcane to show up in the glory package. The fact that you can instantly obtain any legendary or mythic troop for an outlay of virtual currency is a positive.

You raise a good point: the Souls costs on the lower-tier traitstones does seem a bit too high. It’s enough to make it not useful for earlier players and to really put a limit on everyone but the most hardcore. Since the bottleneck is really the Arcanes, it seems unnecessary.

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Interesting you say that. I have found that my bottleneck is runics. I can buy arcanes from the weekly glory package, but I can’t earn enough runics in gameplay to make use of them. Of course, I have to wait for the right arcane to come along, and there are a couple for which I have a big fat goose egg.

But clearly, once I get the runics out of the way, I will discover that I am arcane-poor. I think it is a case of how advanced you are in the game.


I did my math wrong. I thought it was 12 runics per arcane, but it’s only 6. That comes to 126 minors and 5800 souls if crafting from scratch. Still expensive. Plus I forgot to add the 2 celestials needed. If you have these, great (sort of–not sure 2 celestials for 1 arcane is a good trade) and if you don’t and have to craft them–well, now it gets real expensive again.

My take is that unless the cost of crafting arcanes goes down a bit, most people will take advantage of the option only if they are only one or two away from upgrading an important troop.

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That is exactly what I found/thoughts, and why I think the crafting system, as currently designed, is a flop for me.

I think I will only use it to make the runics I need.

Also, the way summoning stones appear to work, even for new players it is just better to open chests to get new troops. So why is it in the game? *shrugs


Well it is more stuff you can get for free by playing daily…

I know end-gamers are pissed b/c their tasks got nerfed but for most players this is objectively a really good update. They now get more free troops, plus guaranteed mythics/legendaries every so often, plus much easier access to the runes they need. The only downside is that they have to play the three daily dungeon battles every day and I’m guessing they’re much more interesting/challenging early/mid-game.

Easy to lose sight of all this in the midst of the thin slice of super engaged end gamers raging.

@Delinquent, new players require the resources that make the random summoning stones to trait their troops. So this is actually worse for new players by stretching resources further. Back a few hundred levels, In the early mid game, I was so hard up for traitstones and Souls that wasting them on crafting would not have been a wise investment.

So, crafting won’t help them, it is better just to obtain keys. The crafting system fail is what it is, for all players. It only delivers in changizng majors into runics.

For the record, I like the most of the other changes with this patch, aside from the UI and new animations.

The biggest issue I see is with the core gameplay itself. The move-by-move nature seems to have disappeared and been replaced by a cascade-by-cascade nature in which you’re more watching than participating.

I would love to be able to beta test with just one change, that 4-matches cannot surge, and see if this addresses this issue.


Agree the surge on +4 needs to be removed.

Sorry, I’m confused by what you mean. Summoning Stones cost Jewels. Jewels aren’t used to trait troops.

My point was that if they, say, have too many Majors and really need a Runic, then there’s now a way to easily make that happen. Same if all they really want are a couple of Arcanes and the Glory troop isn’t forthcoming.

Jewels are basically either summoning stones or celestials. So more free troops or celestials every week.

Like I said, everyone but end gamers seems to really benefit. And while I get why they’re upset about tasks, it seems pretty reasonable to me. It’s a basic supply and demand issue. Getting gold is more efficient now, so it makes sense that each piece of gold would be devalued.

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Sorry, I was referring to Souls mainly when talking about the summon stones. Looking back if this came in when I was new, I wouldn’t be using my Souls to make random chances for troops when I need them to level troops for kingdom stars.

It would be far down the priority list, that by the time it came that they were relevant I would have all the troops I need anyway.

And yes as I said the only crafting I see myself using is major->runic for a few months.

Legendary Tasks being nerfed affects end-gamers, sure, but regular guild tasks being nerfed affects everyone in a guild, no matter what level that guild plays at.

We won’t know to what degree the guild task were nerfed until Monday because the devs didn’t publish the information ahead of time beyond vague comments like “the gem value of tasks has been reduced by 20%” and “some gem rewards have been converted to gem key rewards”.

The nerf hurts everyone, which is why so many people are speaking up about it.


I already addressed this in my original comment. It’s a supply and demand issue. 4x speed devalues gold therefore tasks (the primary gold sink) got devalued. It’s not actually a nerf. In fact, if it’s true that 4x speed means 20-25% more gold and the tasks got nerfed by 15-20% then it’s actually a buff!

God, I can’t wait until a few weeks from now when the top guilds start doing the math and realize that it’s a buff for them. Of course, they’re not gonna advertise that though…

I fail to see how it is going to turn into a net buff, especially if Gems were removed as a reward from Legendary Tasks.

The blue guardian specifically being nerfed by 20% plus an additional unknown amount of Gems being converted to gem keys directly nerfs the amount of Gems players can earn per week, and this shortage cannot currently be made up through being able to do “extra” Legendary Tasks.

Maybe there is something I am missing, but to me getting less Gems is a nerf.

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Less Gems offset by more Gem Keys than those Gems were worth. Very clear buff for anyone not VIP 5+.

And, at the end of the day, there’s an equivalency between Gem Keys and VIP Keys. You may not like getting fewer gems at VIP 5+, but that doesn’t mean exchanging them for gem keys is a nerf.

Sorry but i don’t agree with this, if you are vip5+ You will prefer to buy vip chest to get your mythic since the chance are better

I agree for someone under vip5 this is a not as bad then vip5+ Since instead of using gems to buy chest you will use your keys

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You miss my point. 1000 Gem Keys are not worse than 1 VIP Key. There is an exchange rate. So the fact you’re getting fewer gems to convert to VIP keys doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a nerf. It’s just a question of what the exchange rate is between the two.

For example, if a VIP key is our baseline and it costs 50 gems then what’s a Gem Key worth? 7 or 8 gems maybe? So if they’re now giving you 9 Gem Keys instead of 50 Gems then it’s a buff, period. (9 Gem Keys X 7 Gems = 56 Gems.)

You can irrationally prefer gems, but I’m going to take whichever is more valuable.

I’m not saying that this is all the case, I’m saying that this is what they’ve stated and the burden is on everyone else to disprove this. That has not been done. All I see is a lot of blind rage about “taking our gems away” and people jumping to conclusions without even knowing the changes.