3.1 update verdict?

Hey, I tried to find good points to this update. Don’t ruin them :stuck_out_tongue: .

But yeah I agree and I considered Soul Forge as a mini-game only because it’s now in the mini-games tab on the World map.


@Lyya I 100% agree with you after using it a bit, and brought this up a few months ago (when they could have moved away from it). But for me there’s bigger fish to fry, as I’m still waiting to fully test Justice League on my main (console) account. :grin:

I was a little apprehensive about this update, but there were actually some good things. I’ll address the cons first.


  1. Graphics are poor. The devices are granular and the fonts are blurry. They deproved last time the world was reworked, and have taken another spiraling step in the same direction.

  2. 10 cards on the troop screen are too many. It was bad enough when it went to 8 (remember when it used to be 4?) but 10 are very difficult to read on my ipad. I could not imagine playing on a phone.

  3. Not everything works yet. No point in pointing out particulars, because they have been well-pointed out already. This is a soft nit-pick anyway, because the bugs will eventually be fixed.

  4. When you open chests, you get a chest summary screen every time, even when you only open one chest. That requires an extra click to clear the screen. Minor, perhaps, but I always open glory and higher chests one key at a time. I have this idea that every time you open a chest, the randomizer has to turn on to determine what you get. I feel like I have a better chance at higher lever content by forcing it to activate more often. Not sure if this is correct, but it’s what I do, and it’s a pain in the neck now.

  5. The game play is different, mainly in how spells are cast. Gorgotha’s spell pops out like a long string of fireworks rather than an atom bomb. I liked the bomb better. Other spell effects are also a little more literal, which slows things very slightly, but mostly is just different.


  1. The game loads MUCH faster. Battles load faster and you return to the home screen faster. In addition, all additional content screens (Guild, Treasure Hunt, Hero, etc.) load much faster than they did before.

  2. The game appears to be more stable for me. I play on an ipad 2, which had been nearly obsoleted out of usefulness for this game. At the tail end of two-point-whatever we were on, the game crashed after every quest or PvP battle. I had to reload, and it took a LOOOONG time to load. Needless to say, I stopped routinely playing PvP about a year ago. And the quests I saved for a very rainy day. But I did not experience the crashes on the dungeon and soulforge quests, so things might be looking up. I still have not tried PvP—I’m at tier 1 and as long as I stay out, I still get my 16 glory per day. I don’t want to reset until I’m ready to go the distance. But I am optimistic.

  3. The new search filters look like they could be cool, but they don’t work on my old beater yet. That is frustrating—I’d at least like to find out which troops are upgradable.

  4. The soul forge looks promising as well. I’m too cheap to buy my way in, so need a few more victories to really try it out. The new currencies the soul forge introduces are a little confusing so far. I don’t have a feel for what I need and just how valuable they may or may not be.

Anyway, that’s plenty. I’m going to get a snack.


Not a guaranteed one. And from what they’ve said the tasks were just balanced relative to 4x speed.

Additionally, there’s a lot of us that are easily able to beat the dungeon bosses but have never seen even the base guild tasks completed.

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Yeah though this assumes everyone plays on 4x speed. Which isn’t the case.


I’m on ps4 so i haven’t experienced this update yet, but from the looks of it i don’t think i like some things of it.

Despite being in a top guild, play a lot, saved and spend a lot of keys, i only have 5 mythics. Crafting all those i’m missing is going to take a lot of time, and i don’t think i’ll be up for that.

But thankfully we’ve got event keys so we can hunt specific mythics! Too bad we’re still pulling troops that aren’t even related to that kingdom…
Event keys are already expensive, and there are a lot of troops in kingdoms these days. Why still put other troops in eventchests?

And what about those treasure maps? They still haven’t come up with something for those useless maps we have. Just let us swap 50 or something for an arcane or whatever.


I’ll wait and see before making a judgement about crafting. I knew they weren’t just going to hand out mythics, so I expected something like what we have.

The Unity change is strange for me. Aside from the animations, the AI/RNG change makes the game play completely different. I completely agree with whoever said that it feel less like a puzzle game now - without skull baiting, it’s much harder to control the board. So you end up with a race to fill troops, and whoever gets the most cascades wins.

I’ve lost a LOT more games since Unity came in, either due to the enemy not taking skulls (and therefore getting more mana) or due to the enemy getting lucky cascades. It’s a strange feeling - I’m used to only losing once or twice a week. Now I’m getting my ass kicked in guild wars by apocalypse teams, whilst still using my same teams that got me my highest ever win streak when I was in my old guild fighting it out in brackets 1 and 2.

Today, I lost a game because famine cast 3 times and death cast twice before I could fill a troop. That never used to happen.

Yep, feels weird. I used to be awesome at this. Now I kind of suck. Hopefully I’ll figure out how to be awesome again.

Oh, and Impervious needs to be fixed ASAP. Too many people are deliberately exploiting it and playing devour teams.


see it how you want! I’m suggesting if you do not like the changes to tasks then the only avenue the DEVS understand is stop spending money! You can spend your whole bank account if you want to but for me taking gems out of tasks is the last straw! I won’t play as much and I sure won’t spend anything! If the DEVS want to know why people don’t buy gems its because they are too expensive with the exception of daily gems is ok! Who on earth would spend $100 to buy not enough gems for 1 VIP pull and even if you did you probably would not get the troop you are after! I think the DEVS want people to buy over priced gems and that’s why they took them out of tasks so people would buy them! Nope people will just stop playing game! VIP already spent their money to get VIP access! Now they are trying to get VIP to pay for access again! This will have the opposite affect! The people that are not VIP will not spend money because its worthless and the people that are VIP will either quit game or stop spending because its not worth it anymore!


I am not impressed.

I was looking forward to crafting as I am missing a couple of mythics (most notably Abynissia, Pgaros-Ra and Famine) so there was hope I am going to get them. But seeing as I need about 6 months of playing day in, day out I am not happy. The costs to craft mythics are exorbitant and even if you have the resources the stars have to align (it has to be a week when the mythic you need is craftable). So when you have to miss a week of play time… well, see you again in a couple of weeks/months.

The game is getting geared more and more towards the people with extreme hardcore bent. There are many people that log to Gems of War only a couple of days a week. Devs have little regard for this. First with GW: it’s fought daily but if you have to miss some days in the middle and then Sunday? You are out of luck. And now with crafting you have to do dungeons everyday. I did quit GoW before because I was playing when I had to not when I want to. And it’s only getting more of a problem now.

EDIT: One thing I forgot: the economy is created around long time players so things like decreasing number of rewards hits harder new players that do not million souls, gold and tens of thousands gems sitting in the bank. END of EDIT

And lastly but definitely not the least important issue: gems covefefe. The number of gems is decreased (tho we need to spend more gems to get the Daily Packs and level GW sentinels). But don’t worry, a Flash Gems Sale is on.

Altogether I think I am fed up with F2P BS and may leave the game soon.


Just installes the mobile version because the wait for ps4 and you need to complete quest in a kingdom to be able to play soulforge and also with the dungons

Like others say this is new but not for new players who cant affort the gold to buy kingdoms… To play the quests… Also i just like pvp so i don’t do all kingdoms so yeah i need to buy and play them now!

This is sad to see everyone want to leave, i really hope the dev going to do something and try to get more people happy, i agree new players or lower guild will probably quit because of the LT nerf

For the top guild it won’t affect them as much then a mid or low guild who was able to complete only 2-3 task. And this is why i hope they will change their mind and put it back like it was before.

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I don’t know, seeing what’s going on with LTs makes me think that the top guilds are feeling it as much as the little guy.


Pretty sure mana drain is broken as well for impervious.

This doesn’t really help for the people who are ALREADY at VIP status.


Do you mean the One hundred thousand weapons?

No there is new weapon you can craft and they cost 1M souls each

1,000,000 Souls
200 Gems
3 Celestial Traitstones
Shattered Blade
Broken Guard

Yes, sorry. I just went back and saw it buried in the other weapons. I was expecting it to be listed at the bottom. That’s crazy!

Yeah. 2,000 odd max difficulty explores with my Pharos team @480 Souls a battle is required. :dizzy_face:

The update is garbage and ruined the game. The ai gets cascade after cascade after cascade. It is nearly unplayable. I’m seriously thinking about quitting as is a big chunk of my guild.


Lol welcome in console world