3.1.5 Known Issues (PC/Mobile AND Console!)

Yes, it was doing this even last year on the console side.

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Mobile beta testers, @Ozball
Is this how the game was performing during beta and is supposed to perform now?
Galaxy s8, 7.0

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I don’t know if this has been reported as I haven’t gone over all comments here but there is a visual glitch when in soul forge menu.

Seems smoother than on my mobile… I should learn how to caption, to show :smiley:

For 4-matches and skulls, it has been changed to match console AI behavior, and I find this bad.
I mean, tricking and baiting AI by doing the good cascade to make a skull match position for AI, and thus avoid AI to cast a spell was an aspect giving GoW a puzzle felling. Now, it will just be a race to the one who fill mana first and cast, without any need of a brain.


How are you playing on OSX?

Dear devs, as some people said above, my game as become very laggy since the last update, even in the lowest graphic details and power saver on. My phone is not the best one on the market but not the worst either. It’s a Huawei p8 lite. The problem here is that makes the game horrible to play, so horrible that annihilate all kind of fun playing. I know you will create a patch for this issue in the 3.2 but to be honest, if I have to wait 3 months for a solution since the patch goes out, I will have to quit the game after almost three years of daily logging. So please dear devs, I know we players are annoying and we ask you a lot, but this issue is a priority, please, make the game fluid again into a short time. I believe in you. P.s : pls give me some answer to know what are you thinking about this issue. Thank you.


BTW, I found another 2 workarounds:

  • press the home button to minimize the game before locking the phone screen.
  • launch a different app from the lock screen (swipe left for Siri App suggestions or something)

Just had a crash on iOS.
iPad mini 2, ultra-rare graphics, power save on.
I first did the quest lines for both soulforge and dungeon. This was with a TDS dragons tean.

Then I started my first GW match.
It was my Hydra/Dryad/EK/Apothecary team vs at least EK/Valkyrie/something/something. My team was fully traited, so when I fired Apothecary’s spell the entire opposing team got stunned. Thats when the crash occured.

It makes sense that my device ran out of memory but I find it disturbing that this happened with the default setting.

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I had no idea what the % was for. Thanks for explaining it.

With mythics costing 4,000 diamonds it’s pretty stupid there is a chance you won’t get any diamonds from the fights.


I agree completely (and so do others based on posts I’ve seen today). Right now the only guaranteed way to get Diamonds is to buy them.

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It’s too pay to win for my liking I won’t be spending money on them again.

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To be fair, we get free Gems from tasks/tribute and we can get a slow trickle of them from maps, but depending on how much the amount of raw Gems from tasks was reduced and what percent was converted to Gem keys (which to me are a lot less useful than the Gems themselves) this could become an even more blatant pay-to-win mechanism. The $5 daily bundle is already iffy, in my opinion.

The update just went in 17 hours ago (on PC), though. I think it’s best to reserve judgement for a little while and see what, if anything, is adjusted.

Note: I’m NOT against there being an advantage for paying players. I’m against an exponential/grossly lopsided advantage.

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Most mythics are not “insta-wins”. Most mythics aren’t even as good as many of the legendaries. What’s P2W about using money to get a semi-decent Mythic more quickly than someone who doesn’t pay? And how is that any different from what’s always been the case? Haven’t payers always been able to progress toward mythics more quickly?

With the gem nerf it’s going to be even harder to get mythics

Not really. The math is pretty straightforward:

  • Before you were getting enough gems to probably get one mythic every month. That’s 3 in 3 months.
  • Let’s assume that you’re now getting enough to probably get one every 1.5 months. That’s 2 in 3 months.
  • Now you’re also guaranteed to get one of your choice for free every 3 months.

So even if we assume the situation is 50% worse (and it clearly isn’t) then you’d still be breaking even. You also have the benefit of guaranteeing that you get one mythic in that time, and that it’s one you want. And I think there are many players that will testify to the fact that probabilities can also mean that you don’t get a mythic for much longer than what the average gems should suggest. The fact that you’re now guaranteed to get one at least every 3 months is a huge boon.

The ability to get mythics (and especially the ones you most want) is objectively much better than before.

I have spent everything I have had but I missed out on the last 3 mythics. It depends on how many diamonds we get from guild tasks because at the moment we are only guaranteed 1,680 diamonds every 3 months and and that is spending 350 gems a week for them. I would be a lot happier if they reduced the amount per battle but guaranteed them for every battle at least that way everyone can get them without having to spend real money to get a decent amount.

My biggest problem with this is the luck factor there is a chance you won’t get any from battles in a week.

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I’m not sure how to qualify this, exactly. The new version is just crawling on my Nexus 5X. It’s not “literally unplayable”, but it’s darn close. It’s lagging for everything, gem matches and explosion spell effects especially. I turned the graphics settings to “common”, but there’s no perceptible perf difference.

If you wanted to nerf TDS, there are better ways than by making his spell lag so badly :rofl::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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One of your choice for free every 3 months? The estimate for that is 5-6 months, last I saw.

You can spend gems or real money daily if you choose, but 1,500 gems a month is a big investment and we don’t know how badly our raw gem income has been nerfed yet, between the “16-20% reduction in gem value of tasks” and the “some gem prizes have been turned into gem key prizes” vague patch notes.


I’m pretty sure this bar isn’t supposed to be full.


I’m also seeing this behavior 100% of the time on both iPhone 6 and iPhone 7 when Power Saving disabled. The “enable power saving” workaround fixes it for me. Thank you for that! :slight_smile:

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