2.1 Arrives!

Tacet is always talking in his videos about how many different currencies there are in this game. Adding one more seems to have caused mass confusion lol.

After all this confusion and discussion, I must ask the question - why do you need to “claim” the seals at all?

Why not, when you complete something that provides seals, it just shows up at the end of your match as part of the rewards screen, and that tally both adds to your personal currency and is added to the guild tabulation of seals? Why did the devs feel it necessary to make a process to “claim” the seals? Seems like it would be a lot more straightforward and there would not need to be anything mailed out if done that way.


I agree with you there. If it had been implemented your way it would have been significantly less confusing because as soon as you hit cap you wouldn’t even get any more seals to be confused about :stuck_out_tongue:

Plus who wants to collect them? Annoyingly implemented in my opinion

Mabye seal claiming has something to do with changing guilds.

The auto claim for seals at the end of the week, will only claim seals up to the 1500 limit.


when you buy the guild store packages, does that just raise the cap or does that actually give you the seals? In other words, do you pay to get free seals that you don’t have to farm for, or do you pay for an increased cap that you have to earn?

And if it’s the second option, my real question is whether or not the auto collect and Mail feature goes above the base 1,500 seals? I would assume it does.

There isn’t a great explanation for the purchase so I’m not sure if that just increases the cap or if it gives you those seals right when you buy it.

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Gives you those seals right away for you and your guild’s total seals. (chest upgrades) I bought the packs, so you can take this as truth. Even if you buy any of the packs, you still can earn the 1500 seal cap.

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I figured you’d still get the 1500 cap I just wasn’t sure if the purchase was immediate or a cap increase

Thanks for that info !

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Yeah so how ever many seals you buy, add that to the 1500 seal cap, and that’ll give you how many possible seals you can have that week. I bought all 3 packs, plus the 1500 cap, which will give me 3150 possible seals this week. I hope that makes sense. Wanted to be a little more in-depth with it.


I bet they are going to make a lot of money from this system honestly lol

Getting the guardians is quite pay to win, but eh what can ya expect from a free to play game? :stuck_out_tongue:

And to be fair this game is significantly better than others in that regard

I think the weekly cap is going to be an irritant no matter whether you reach it or not. If you don’t reach it one week, then you can’t ever make up for it in the future. If you do reach it, then you’re discouraged from continuing to play that week. Though considering how much work it takes to reach the cap, maybe that’s for the best… :weary:

That’s definitely unexpected. Either your numbers are wrong or there’s some weird distribution balancing going on. Guardian drop rate is supposed to be 50%, none of your pulls reflect that even remotely.

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This update has made my guild unruly. They are hardly working on their kingdoms and the donations in my guild has skyrocketed. I do not want to be that guy who kicks people for donating so much gold. Some tasks have been completed 3 times and the rest 2 times.

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@Fourdottwoone thats the numbers i got. You know RNG lol.
Next 85 might be 100% guardians or 2%.

Edit . Drop rate was stated at ALMOST 50%

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Your own stated drop rate was at least 35 non-Guardians in a row. Try throwing a coin, getting the same side as often as that, you’ll still be busy in a hundred years from now.

@Sirrian: Is there a cap in place that limits Guardians per week to, say, 33? Or any other explanation why somebody could possibly not pull a Guardian with so many attempts in a row, after first pulling an extraordinarily high number of them? Reported numbers are 33/50, 0/30, 0/5, spending 1700 seals.

Edit: Guardians are no longer supposed to drop once you have at least four copies of each at Mythic. I wonder if those first 50 chests gave you at least four copies of each at Common…

The absolute funniest thing about all of this “confusion”? The developers used words and phrases anyone with a proper 9th grade education could understand.

Either English isn’t your first language, or you need to learn how to read. Don’t be mad at me, I’m not the American education system.

No they didn’t.
But i spent 12 keys at 1st chest level.
I got 6 new guardians out of 12 troops.

Doesn’t really seem to me that the Guardians are especially strong, so I’m not sure how that’s P2W. They’ve also put a cap on the guild IAP each week. If they wanted it to be P2W then the obvious move would’ve been to allow people to buy as many as they want.

I’m very interested to see how popular the guild IAP is from a psychology perspective. The base value isn’t that good for the purchaser, but when you factor in the keys that go out to all guild members, it’s a really strong value (especially at 6* chest). Definitely a lot of selflessness, or very organized selfishness, required.


Guardians will play some type of important part when guild vs guild is implemented in some future patch. No other details are known and don’t bug Sirrian by asking.

I’ve gotten 3/4 of the way to the cap almost entirely on treasure maps…

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