2.0 Known Issues

Same here.

Now that you mention it, I think the same person has attacked/lost to me, with the same outcome.

You are correct, I simply forgot about that requirement, silly me;)
Anyway, it works as intended and my previous post can be ignored.

maybe already stated here, but in case its not everytime you hit reconnect you get a loss. before I thought you had to atleast enter a battle first. I know they want to end drop-out/rage quits from not counting but atleast maybe we could enter battle first before it is a auto lose due to reconnect

I just found what’s supposed to be a bug I guess …
My Mist Stalker just used it’s ability (actually mine do : 5 damage to the weakest enemy then poison this enemy) against one of the the remining Spider Queen (We’ll call them SQ1 and SQ 2). SQ1 and SQ2 have the same amount of armor and life (well, they are at the same level and i did not attacked them before). And then, my Mist Stalker dealt the 5 damage to SQ1 and poisoned SQ2 ! :smiley:
Get a bit confused … :stuck_out_tongue:

(Hope this message is at the right palce x: )

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Nice catch! I’m guessing it’s to do with the fact it targets the weakest troop.

I guess it checks separately for the damage and the poison.

And yup, this is a good place to post it :wink:

Good ^-^
By the way, maybe Mist Stalker is not the only one with this ‘bug’, all the monsters with multiples effect like him should be checked I guess ^^

EDIT : Here is a screen to prove this ~


You can upload screenshots to the forums directly. Eg:

EDIT: Nevermind, you found it already :stuck_out_tongue:

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John Viafora Thursday at 12:33

Upon leveling up, you are briefly noted about your stats, and then you have to choose a mastery to upgrade… however, after all of these screens… the traitstone that was awarded to you never appears on any screen other than the victory screen, showing that you were awarded one.
Vexx Thursday at 20:50

Hi John,

I would like to inform you that we are aware of this issue and will have a fix for it with the next big update - 2.1.
I can tell you that you ARE receiving the traitstone rewards even though you are not seeing the rewards screen. This is because the level up page has been programmed to appear as soon as you level up, in turn this does not show the new victory rewards screen.

Thank you for informing us of this issue, there are some things that get by us and it’s thanks to the community that we have found so many more that we didn’t know existed.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us again if you encounter another bug or have an issue with Gems Of War.

----For anyone wondering about this----

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After a server connect retry issue Wilkins default to losses?

I won both of those games, but am in an old home
With poor internet and had to retry both at the victory screen.

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I didn’t get any notifications for that win or loss btw.
(Yeah, I know, my defense is weak, but it does display a big power score as all troops are lvl 20 with 3 traits, wich allows me to have better opponents in offense… #just_matchmaking_things)

Edit : oh, and I had the same thing twice with “It seems your battle has already ended, you’ll be returned to world map” ending in free loss…


Same here. Not cool when you have to play twice the games someone 700 levels below you just to keep up, but that’s another matter all to itself.

Also, battle log seems to not keep track of battles correctly : I had 3 battles in a raw against a certain mrgud from Royal Fire, and only one was logged.

My game keeps having server connectivity issues and my it’s messed up my challenges on the Burning Sands. I’ve finished one completely (twice) but not gotten the rewards either time, I just keep getting the “this battle is already done, sending you back to world map” message, and then I completed the first level of the next challenge, but it’s still showing as me not having attempted it at all… but I got the rewards for that… please help/fix :confused:

Trying to complete challenges and not having them count is making this unplayable.

EDIT: Tried swapping over to story mode and had same problem - I won the fight, it gave rewards, then reloaded as if I’d not completed the battle. When I tried to load again, I got eternal load. Killed it and restarted and errored out at login screen.

At one point, got this error? No idea… just esc’ed out

On my attempt to restart it crashed on start and I got this:

Really frustrating. Can’t play at all it seems.

I’ve had similar issues today.

Got this after a battle with Bobur’s goblin team with no recording of the game finish at all but then went back into pvp and fought the same battle again with win and no issue.


Got this quite a few times but got back in to pvp. Fought again but got the first screenshot again and it recorded a loss even though I won. Then tried to go in and got this

So much for being able to get into the top 20 today. Very disappointed. :cry:

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You are not alone my friend. :disappointed:

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i think on one of the other threads, devs said having server issues with the side that didnt get moved yet.


@dhjl The server has lost all record of your battles this week, so no arcanes for you. Will have to try again tomorrow :frowning:


Tried to log in on my mobile… haven’t had any problems on steam or mobile since the 2.0 until today. Wasn’t even able to log in and got this:

Uploading… I have been getting login errors lately. Not sure if it has to do with 2 devices with same account or what but I do not have them both logged in at the same time.