2.0 Known Issues

I did not receive Tier rewards until I got to 4, then I started getting the rewards but missed out up until then.

I know for a fact that @dhjl has been rank 1 this week (he’s rank 2 now). He’s rank 2 right now. What is “Highest Rank” intended to convey? Highest rank this week? Highest rank ever? In either case, it’s incorrect.

Sister over took him by 200 battles so clearly she got her game to go into overdrive.

Yes, I know. I was referring to the “Highest Rank: 2” in the screenshot. @dhjl had previously held rank 1, so I figured it would say “Highest Rank: 1” even if that’s not his current rank.

This is a bug where it’s only reporting Highest Rank if you’re currently in the top 100, and reporting it incorrectly. There will be a fix out for this at some point but it wasn’t highest priority so didn’t make the latest client update.

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Oh that makes sense also his win streak got broken.

I see. Thanks for the clarification. Is the value intended to reset at ladder reset time, or is “Highest Rank” a lifetime best?

It will show your lifetime best rank.


Not sure if this has been posted already. But, my winter knight with active barrier, has been taken down several times by the initial skull damage from sheggra’s spell. And this is with a significant amount of hp. I thought barrier protected against one instance of incoming damage? Is this a known issue? Maybe I’ve misunderstood how barrier is supposed to work?

Now seen this issue a few times, so thought I’d post it. A continuous black screen following a PvP win. Have to close down the application and re-open.

I get this daily… I understand it’s been fixed and will get updated soon…

EDIT: though the one I was getting was on the daily event reset… never had it after pvp…

I got it when I was actually in PVP during the daily reset. Were you playing a match 33 minutes ago?

So when will we see this client update on mobile? Still suffering from incorrect number of trophies per match on iPad. :frowning:

While at it please change Queen Mab’s text to 'Deals [magic] damage to all enemy troops and mana-burn them." for consistency and avoid confusion that lead to several posts already.


When is the ‘ghost troop’ bug getting fixed?

Just cost me another pvp win…

It’s becoming a deterrent to using some of the game’s best troops or executing a well-timed IK or Sheggra strike - a well-constructed win becomes a loss, as in this example, ol’ Celestasia is dead but still playing…

I have seven of these this week, which is all of my supposed seven invade losses this week…

Goes without saying, I am down c. 300 pvp points (and about 5 ranking places) as a result - though I am sure many players use more skull-spamming than me and have had it worse…


@sirrian, something fishy here…

I posted the screenshot above about 12 hours ago… showing 267W 7L record (and the 7 losses were for ghost troops. grrr…)

…but now I am seeing this:

I take issue with this - I have not lost any pvp matches since that one at 8am today - indeed, I have been out at an event and hardly played very many - so why has my record gone up by three invade losses?

I also note that in the 12 hours, I haven’t lost any defence battles (still shows 92), which is odd… pretty sure these numbers are not recording properly!

Revenge rewards are not working correctly. According to PvP stats page & battle log I have won 16 and lost 2 of defense battles during current event. However, revenge reward counter has NOT been updated (it is frozen at 39/60 since the event’s beginning).

Did you fight a revenge battle? I thought the revenge counter only went up if you take a “Revenge (+3 Glory)” option at the opponent selection screen.


I sometimes get defense wins, but no pvp points, even if the attacker was a higher level. Has this bug already been reported?

in retrospect it may just be that 1 guy that I didn’t get points for. I never get points when he loses.

Also, crimson bat keeps doing double damage to my maws even when they arent wounded. not that the maw cares. But other troops might :frowning: