2.0 Known Issues

Thanks for that, we’ve been able to track down the issue.


Two issues I’m still seeing with the new release that I don’t see listed at the first post in this thread:

1). Defense Losses: Under the previous version, if someone attacked your defense team, you would get a notification that displayed the amount of defense victories and losses, as well as the gold, glory, souls and keys for each.

With the new version, this notification is only showing the victories, and it appears not be granting gold, souls, etc for defense losses.

Someone must be beating my defense team, since the stats window on PvP is showing defense losses in my totals, and I periodically get an option for revenge in PvP. I just think we’re not getting the rewards associated with them.

  1. Display of rank (or tier) in Guild Roster menu: Under the previous version, you could see which rank someone was in your guild by going to the Guild Roster and selecting ‘PvP’. In 2.0, I’m not sure if the intent is to show Rank or Tier on this menu, but all that displays is ‘[PVP_RANK_0] of Drifiting Sands’.
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Take a look at your battle log, it will show victories as well.

On a wild guess, any chance that for all those offers costing more than 20 gems, at least one of your troops isn’t at level 15 yet? The purchase includes a level up to 15 for all troops at a lower level. I could imagine the display not showing the current level, just what you would get if you were to purchase.

i found at one time, that if you get it to 16, the price drops more… not sure if that still applies.

On steam, this appears to be fixed.

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I just tested it, and i can confirm it is fixed. :relaxed:

Thank the heavens for this fix.

I have not been automatically getting my Tier rewards as I have been tiering up. This has only been since starting this new week. During the first week of 2.0, I correctly got my rewards after I went up a tier.

Oh my… :joy: You’re exactly right. Thanks for waking me up! I hadn’t played Arena for so long during the bugged meta that I had completely forgotten to check the actual level of the troops I own in my collection. The Troop Offer screen only shows the actual level for troops that I already have at 15 or above, but for troops that are lower in my collection, it still shows 15. I got confused because it shows the rarity I have them at correctly…

So for instance, in one of my screenshots, we can see my Legendary Ettin… who’s indeed Legendary, but only Level 1 in my Collection screen, even though he’s shown as Level 15 in the Troop Offer screen. ^^ It seems to be just as you described: this is simply a preview of what your troops would look like if you buy the gem offer.

@Nimhain Mystery solved: the issue isn’t back; I’m just a fool. :confounded: I’m really sorry to have wasted your time with this report.

It doesn’t.

This happened in arena. I think he bet everything and lost.


We have fixed this on the server for you. As we try and track down the source of this bug, can you remember if you were in PvP at the time of the event changeover (on Monday at 7am GMT)?

@Andrew The same thing happened to me as to @philgonzal and I can confirm that I was in PvP at the time of the change over.

Same for me. Haven’t been receiving tier rewards this week. Can’t recall what my state was at rollover.

Thank you. Yes, I believe I was in PVP at the time. Will the missing rewards be awarded with the fix? Cause I have not received them yet.

Just noticed that something strange is happening with PvP stats. I haven’t lost a single match this event and then was suddenly awarded 5 losses.

Also looked at leaderboard and it appears that a lot of others have had the same happen. Think @dhjl jumped from 0 or 1 loss up to 17 and many of the others seem to have jumped as well. Think the error appeared in the last hour or so.

If you’re only looking at the leader board then @Nimhain has said that it isn’t a live set of numbers, and only gets updated at certain times. If you’re looking at your own individual stats, then I’m not so sure.

Is it correct that you can find Gold in a Glory Chest? If not I found a new error… got about 800 Gold from one.

It is correct. You can also find souls, gems and glory along with troops.

@Sirrian, @Nimhain

Is there any chance we’re going to get our PVP stats corrected (or wiped so that we can all start accumulating fresh, sans bug) at some point? It looks to me like defend battles are being correctly reported now - the splash screen shows the same number of victories/defeats as the Battle Log and Stats pages. My win rate this week is 92% which appears to be accurate.

However, my overall stats are being dragged down by last week’s 42% because my 72 defense wins were recorded as losses.