2.0 Known Issues

I received Tier 2 reward, I’m only around Tier 13. So likely a similar issue.

I feel robbed now ._.

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Are you only supposed to get 3 glory when you reach rank 1? I think I remember it showing I was rank 14 not rank 1.

I saw the soothsayer error in the first post saying it has been fixed. To be resolved soon. It has not been yet, resulting in me having to exit out of a match (with the obligatory loss).

It does also say “Will get a fix out soon” So I think they’ve found the cause, it just requires a patch or something to fix.

Here’s another video with the ghost troop bug, but with Infernal King instead of Great Maw.

Enjoy, and I hope this help.

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@MarvelKit mentioned this earlier, and I’d like to add this:

sometimes my trophies won from PvP battles weren’t added or even got deducted on the roster view.

Besides, the glories listed for Revenge and Rival were never added.

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I was playing Ranked game and this error just show up after I won the match. This is the first time I’ve encounter this Error.

I hope this post doesn’t get lost in the avalanche but here goes…

*** I don’t understand all the complaints about PVP progress.***

I’ve seen numerous posts saying “I can’t get past 14 no matter what I do.” I played a few matches last night and got to Tier 11, almost to Tier 10.

When I logged in this morning (after almost 8 hours of being asleep and thus not playing the game) I’m still Tier 11, almost Tier 10.

What am I missing here?

I believe they have tweaked a few things with PVP in the last 24 hours. We’ll need to wait for the dust to settle a bit to find out exactly what.

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That has to be it, because I just checked my status and my win rate is only 44%. I’ve won 12 invades, lost 0, and won 3 defends and lost 19.

If you played when the game first game out it was entirely different. Also defend wins are still being counted as losses.

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When 2.0 first went live, my PVP victories were worth 4 points. Losses were worth -10 to -19. Defensive losses by the AI subtracted as much (or almost as much) as an offensive loss would have. Later, after the first round of fixes went out, my wins were worth 10 PVP points, but losses still subtracted from my score. I’ve had 50-something lost defensive battles because I refuse to make my defend team Mercy+Maw.

Under those conditions, it was entirely possible to lose points faster than they could be gained. Especially if you stopped playing for a while.

This is all fixed now, thankfully.

I also had the error of the game giving me rank 14 glory, I already was rank 1 for about 12 hours.

Also got a new error messages at the end of a pvp match. It showed up before showing me the amount of keys/gold/etc. I got from the match. It said: It seems this match is already running or already finished. You will me taken to the world map.
After this error I got to the world map and saw I didn’t receive anything from my pvp battle.

I seem to be getting hit with skull gdamage equal to my total armor and life from opponents in PVP that only have x amount of skull damage. For example, I got hit for 33 on my Bat by a troop that had only 12 attack. I checked traits and level and could find no reason. This has happened twice now. Great update except for the PVP.

Just a note, I just lost a battle that I had won with no troop losses due to the “ghost troop” issue on the PC (Steam). I will spare you the selfie I took with my “mad face” and the .WAV file of my calling you all “big meanies”.

If you all know this is still going on, carry on; otherwise, this is just a brief comment.

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Happened to me too on an android phone.

Turn the combo breaker back on! Speaking as a longtime player, my wife and I have found the new PVP seriously broken. Goblin teams were bad enough before, but with the combo breaker off they’re running amuck. Progress through this minefield is a slog and actively discourages us from playing.

Once you guys fix that bad decision to take away points on defense losses, you don’t need the combo breaker turned off as a crutch. Fix both. And slap the idiot who’s responsible.

I am up constantly againt players that has around 800 gold. I have seen many screen shots on the board lately and many get those 1000-1400+. So I just wondering if this is a bug?

These are steam screenshots.

These are ios screenshots.

So, different device teams are different, that’s weird.

I didn’t play the game at the same time. Never.