Platform, device version and operating system:
steam, newest game version, win10
Screenshot or image:
not needed
What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
after daily reset and 80mins of playing explore 1 I found 9 crowns in about 20mins, but since then crown “10” isn’t appearing. I expected this to happen, obviously.
How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
just today, for now…
Steps to make it happen again
btw: I have confirmation of many other players (discord, ingame chat) that also can’t find crown 10 with over 100… → now over 200… matches between finding crown 9 and expecting crown 10.
@Kafka @Jeto @OminousGMan can someone pls check?
please also check the overall appearance rate of the gnomes during this vault event. it feels very low compared to previous vault events and since weekend-solutions to problems haven’t always been the strongest quality in the past it would be nice to not have the whole vault weekend “wasted” for the players.