1 million gamertags released

I know a lot of people here might not be interested in this, but Microsoft just released 1 million old gamer tags for availability. I managed to snag up a 3 letter one. If you are interested in a GT that you couldn’t get before check it now! Also I want to know if anyone else has a 3 letter or a 2 letter GT on Xbox? Again a lot of people might not care for the 133T tags but I do,lol.

I got a 4-letter one :3

Would it be Lyya?! That’s awesome if it is!!! either way it’s awesome.

Nope! But I’m really happy with it just the same.

Sometimes big companies surprise ya. Though it did cost $10 so…

I just paid $20 to change mine twice. Now I have OXO. Which is pretty awesome. I am glad you are happy with yours. Xbox def. got some big brownie points today by doing this.

Sounds like they’re also making lots of money :slight_smile:


Yeah no doubt this is why they made it happen. If all 1 million gamertags get taken at $10 a piece, yeah i’d take just a fraction of that. Also it had a lot of votes on their feedback site so kudos.

Al long as both sides are happy :slight_smile:

Welcome to the gravy train…