Reward Error/Exploit (June 4)

I’d say that is best!

Ok. Thanks.

I wish the API would allow Ashtender to show counts for keys, etc. like it used to. That was a great dashboard and an easy way to see how much resources you had. It was real handy for bugs like this because you had a “before” resource snapshot.

If my guild mate hadn’t called me while I was in a PvP frenzy, that’s how I would have noticed the glory bug. Now that people don’t have that, it’ll be easier for people in a rush not to notice these things.

Below was a scary 15 minutes that I had months ago, Today it would take me longer to notice.

@Saltypatra, I am opening my LTs as we speak as you’ve given permission to do so… I have noticed that I have some duplicate Legendary Tasks.

I already have a Support Ticket open (#33516); should I provide my spreadsheet showing these duplicates LTs, or…?

– Tranimo

With fixes and patches causing even more problems over the last few months, I can only imagine what a horrible mess the crafting system is going to be unless the devs get their act together.

Saltypatra, I still have duplicated LT’s in my mail box…

It’s all good, feel free to open them. As long as they aren’t still duplicating it’s not a problem. We only did a rollback for players obviously exploiting this bug.

@Saltypatra: Are you sure everything is fixed? I think I just (9:30 CET) got the rewards of every task Marthos Guardians completed last week (regular weekly tasks + 8-10 legendary tasks). We’re usually quite quick in completing the regular weekly tasks, but within 30 minutes of the weekly reset seems excessive… :wink:

I just took a quick peek at the tasks menu, and this is what we’ve done so far this week (nothing… :slight_smile: )

So it seems that there’s definately still someting wrong (for me at least (Invite code: DARKNESS_8 ))

EDIT: Apologies for the ugly, uncropped picture… :frowning:

Did you have any uncollected task rewards from last week?

No. We completed 1 legendary task on sunday, which I claimed, but nothing remained in my mailbox after that.

My guild has completed all task except green so I’m missing a lot of rewards

Is it possible someone else completed tasks and you didn’t go to your mail since?

Very unlikely. We’re talking about all regular tasks and 8-10 legendary tasks completed between 9:00 CET and 9:30 CET monday morning. I claimed tribute at 8:30 and then there were no mails. I got the daily and weekly rewards 2 minutes after 9 and there were still no mails. But 28 minutes later I have a huge load of mail (and according to the guild tasks screen nothing has been completed yet).

Im seeing the same thing. My guild has completed only a few brown tasks, but im getting a lot of rewards showing up in my mail.

For those experiencing too many rewards…

  1. Did these rewards show up immediately after weekly reset? Or later?
  2. Did you contribute to any tasks yourself? And if so, did these extra rewards show then?

1: A little later. I got the daily and weekly rewards immediately after reset and I noticed the “extra” rewards half an hour later after I had collected tribute
2. No tasks have been completed yet this week, so no contributions this week.

I didn’t get a rollback and i really need it

It was maybe 20 minutes after the reset. I hadnt contributed to any tasks yet, but others finished a few.