Guild Wars unfair? cast your votes for the devs to see!

MatchMasters (my guild) is presumably the most obvious case (there are others) where legacy performance doesn’t quite match current performance: on the all-time chart, we are #3, and were #1 for the longest part of the last 2.5 years, but on weekly activity we are somewhere between #6 and #15, and volatile.

I feel there’s something to be said for the legacy and pride of being up there so long (MatchMasters is a GoW institution, and not just because it is full of the mentally ill) - we are one of the game’s most famous Guilds - and this should be reflected in some way in the Guild Wars, which is indeed a competition about Guilds. However, the 80% point bonus, and how it builds, is too great a differential.

It may feel fairer as:

  • bonus to points caps at 50% at max statue level
  • bonus grows linearly as statues level up
  • legendary tasks also give statues XP, so lower guilds can catch up faster

To address @slayah’s post above, as I sense a bit too much anti-establishment angst there:

The stat gains from Sentinels seem minor really: winning or losing is usually down to RNG death mark or getting devoured or a bone dragon chain cast, not from having 5-10 more hit points.

Also Sentinels is the only direct way for this major investment in dev time and tech to monetise; as a business answerable to the publisher and owners, that is there to stay.

Disagree completely. Guild Wars is a competition between Guilds, not just a one-on-one joust between players.

Partially agree and disagree as I said above: I feel it should be there, but less drastic.