Guild Wars - Sneak Peek VI


[quote=“Sirrian, post:1, topic:21506”]
But all those little extras from players on lower ranks can effectively add +25%/+50%/+75%/+100% to Vanguards/Heralds/Champions/Paragons if every member of the guild upgrades their SentinelsIn order to do that, the “higher rank” bonuses become larger for players who are in the top ranks… in the example above, you can see the “higher rank” bonuses for someone who is a Champion. They would be smaller if I were only a Vanguard. Don’t worry if that’s a little confusing - you don’t need to worry about it too much - I mainly had there for anyone attempting to do math with the values, just to say “you won’t quite get the correct answers”.

let me see do i get this right?
according to this, in a full 30 member guild where everyone upgrades the bonu to lv5:

Paragon would get:

+0,5 x 2champions x100% /2 = +0,5
+0,5 x 4heralds x100% /4 = +0,5
+0,5 x 8vanguards x100% /8 = +0,5
+0,5 x 16vanguards x100% /16 = +0,5
total bonus paragon gets from other members = +2 ?

+0,5 x 4heralds x 75%/4 x = +0,375
+0,5 x 8vanguards x75% /8 = +0,375
+0,5 x 16soldiers x75% /16 = +0,375
champion total bonus = +1,125 ?

0,5 x 2 x 50% = +0,5

0,5 x 1 x 25% = +0,125

as a maximum of what they can possibly get that doesnt seem right at all

maybe im just not getting your calculation but otherwise there is a huge flaw in it? xD

blame it on me if i dont understand it id like more explanations then :slight_smile: