Guild Wars - Sneak Peek II

It is not the 10-15 minutes. It is the fact to have to play every day.


And that! 10chars


that and also im worried about majority of guilds undergoing a lot of stress/restructuring just coz many players who dont play every day and still meet the guild requirements will not fit in these guilds activity pattern anymore

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I understand all of you, dont get me wrong. I have obligations like anyone else in here.

I dont expect to beat intrim in a confrontation. I expect however that at least 25+ of our members will do those fight every day without any problems.
So thats 5 players not playing every day. In a top guild. And it wont be a problem.

You think only your guild is composed of players that cant play every single day, and other guilds arent? I am sure that distribution is the same. For every weekend player in your guild, theres a weekend player in every other guild. We all get equal odds. Thats why i dont see the problem.

And it isnt a must, same like even system that we got isnt a must.


Btw you are every day on forum, so i find it hard to comprehend that you wont find time for 5 battles every day xD
I mean you could miss pne day a month, but is that such a huge deal?


And sometimes you could just not play (trip, moving out, etc.). Also, some players play only on Steam so they have less oportunities to quickly do a party in the bus/after a meeting/etc (same issue with the console players).

And for the kicking issue, do you think that high active players will stay in a guild which don’t have 30 everyday-players?
Legendary tasks was enough discussed about how it “push” this kind of players to move to top guilds.


I can do forum during work (right now eg), but play? No way.
Even though I play on an iPad, it’s one without 3/4G so travel is out of the question as well.


so far it was this way since it didnt caose any problem

but with the guild system the guilds will split (just like more active members are migrating to legendary task farming guilds) the “every day war” players will migrate out of the guilds who allow to skip some days

i dont see why this kind of divinity/trauma should be implemented if it could be minimised by allowing a small margin of inactivity


[quote=“DonBoba, post:108, topic:20320, full:true”]
I dont expect to beat intrim in a confrontation. [/quote]

:grinning: Precisely my point. I expect to beat Intrim. Without making any compromises with our sense of ethics and having to add more constraints/requirements. So I am not in favour of whatever would make that equation more complicated.

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I wish I could agree with you but unfortunelty you are wrong about this. The study of human nature doesn’t agree with your assertations . Competitive people want to win and they want to be on teams with other people that are going to maximize their chances at winning.

If the original, everyday system is put in place it will quickly change the dynamic of GoW just like the addition of seals did. Almost all the competitive top guilds require at least 1,300 seals a week from their members because they want to unlock the best rewards each week. It doesn’t matter that they don’t have to. It doesn’t matter that they could simply wait and only require 40k seals once a month and still net the same results. Human nature doesn’t work that way and GW will be no different except, and this is huge, it will be a daily requirement not a weekly one.

PS. Event rewards aren’t a valid comparison to GW because events are a single player activity that has no effect on Guilds.


You’re making lots of inaccurate assumptions to try to force your opinion onto others. These things are not all equal.

They are certainly not the first company to use targeted player engagement. There’s nothing wrong with that when it’s targeting the correct players. Such as competition for competitive players. But by saying you have to play day to day, you’re trying to persuade those that don’t do that normally, to all of a sudden start doing it.

If you’re already an active player you aren’t going to notice a difference no, but the casual people will. This is a way to try and bring the activity level of casual players up to meet the activity level of those that are higher. Til eventually the “casual” guilds as we know them now would be no more. Because they would need to be just as active as the higher guilds if they want to take the top spot.

Now of course they can do this, overall in the end it would be fine. But I do think this would hurt the health of the game as a whole. It feels like a side step to what the game used to be. A quick way to burn 30 minutes of free time. Casual guilds shouldn’t be asked to up their playtime. They aren’t forced to no, but they are persuaded to.

There are only so many hours in a day or week. We have events, pvp, guild wars, explore mode, and maybe treasure hunt if you feel like it. So by “locking in” days that you HAVE to achieve something, it is handicapping other activities down the road. They can only make so many of these types of activities while trying to introduce others. We only have so much time. Players so far have been able to play whenever it suits them, but this is a step in the direction of changing that.

This brings me to my last point I want to make. Usually you inspire player engagement through activities and rewards. Currently with the way the game is, I don’t actually believe we are being properly rewarded for our time. So hopefully that is the case with Guild Wars, but even if it is we’re still lacking compensation for the many hours spent. IMO

One thing the data never shows is player enjoyment. The data can show overall health of the game through stats and show players are playing 70 hours a week, but are players TRULY enjoying that time? Or are they playing that long because of the addictive nature of the game.

TL;DR Yes overall setting it up this way could be done, but I don’t think it sends the right message. Trying to persuade casual players to up their activity level through another carrot on the stick, should be frowned upon. There has to be room for all types of players. I don’t believe trying to lock in activity daily achieves this.

I also gotta add that I may be waaaay off base here, but with the forums being a place of expression I decided to do just that. So these are just my opinions, and yeah I am crazy.


Allow for a second type of Guild Wars where you do one war a month, each week one color (yes one or two colors get left out each month but that’s fine actually), and each week a maximum of x matches per member.

That’s a lot more casual friendly.

Having a second Guild Wars won’t fix the issue with the current one as people would then just feel compelled to try to max both.

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And to add something on to my post above; The only reason i’m against it overall is because it’s something that is essentially mandatory if you want to participate in Guild Wars. I quite like the way the game gives us player freedom, and I don’t want to see that hindered in any way.

Otherwise I would be completely fine with it. Not that my voice means any more than anyone else’s.


Required daily logins are my second least favorite F2P trope; the first being “energy” systems.


Therefore…we will be able to set up a Guild defense team that is completely different from PVP defense?

Oo, the complications! I look forward to “seeing the whole picture”.

As a member of the top ranked PS4 guild, this will definitely be something to look forward to.

But I will say we have a number of members (myself included) who pack all their playtime into 1-2 days and login for the rest of the days.

This will directly impact how I play this game (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing). Luckily 5 battles a day is fairly easy to account for and takes at worst 30 minutes. So I personally will be changing my play-style to account for the guild wars.

I have a few questions though, hopefully @Sirrian can answer them.

  1. Will defense losses effect guild wars or more specifically are the points you can earn per player solely based on invade performance? I do realize that winning on defense will indirectly affect how well other guilds score on invade, but I am curious if there is also points for defense wins.
  2. Are we going to be able to setup a Guild War’s defense team AND a PVP defense team?
  3. Any hints on what the “unique award” will be? :stuck_out_tongue:
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I understand all of opinions against what was now suggested. I really do. Yet i dont think it is or would be as big of a problem as people think.
I understand it better to be safe then sorry, so players raise their voice before anything happens to prevent anything bad from happening. Which is good.

I myself think this is a good design, far less demanding then any other guild war system i ever seen (and ive seen a lot of guild war systems, and all of them requerie much much more play time).
I understand that players dont want their way of playing to be forced on them, but 5 battles a day arent really forcing anyone on anything. Who here doesnt game half an hour a day. . And no, skipping one or 2 days in a month doesnt account for not gaming every day for at least 30 minutes.

Bottom line, lets not jump to harsh conclusion until we see the whole picture. Right now not even the surface has been scratched. Maybe rewards wont be worth the effort, but it will just add another potentially fun activity to the game? Look at ranked PvP. No one plays it for rewards, because they are not worth the time spent. Lets wait for more information :slight_smile:


[quote=“HKdirewolf, post:116, topic:20320, full:true”]
If you’re already an active player you aren’t going to notice a difference no, but the casual people will. This is a way to try and bring the activity level of casual players up to meet the activity level of those that are higher. Til eventually the “casual” guilds as we know them now would be no more. Because they would need to be just as active as the higher guilds if they want to take the top spot. [/quote]

Exactly, amen.

And I would even extend it. Active players in active GUILDS aren’t going to notice a difference. Active players in less active guilds (like @ogunther and myself for example) are going to definitely feel it. If this plays out, we could be once again faced with the decision of leaving our loyalty behind and joining another more-active guild if we want a chance at the top rewards in the game.

Thankfully, you’re 100% correct on this and you have been since day 1 - it’s nice to have these discussions but we don’t KNOW anything yet. The Devs, IMHO, have earned our trust and we should wait to pass judgement until we know more.