Design-a-troop Project Part 2: Troop Concept Ideas

Name: Rodent of Unusual Size (ROUSey/ROUS’nog?)

Type: Beast

Base for artwork.

Sell name: Bubonic Plague/Flea Flee/Carrier Swarm

Spell effect: Disease all enemies. Deal 10+magic damage to the weakest enemy. Deathmark a random enemy if it dies.

3rd trait name: Rabid/Rabies

3rd trait effect: Deal triple skull damage to diseased enemies.


My troop concept is an angel that the Infernal King has trapped and twisted in the Blighted Lands. She came to save a loved one from those lands and the Infernal King trapped her and twisted her soul, but the IK could not vanquish her light so she lives in an eternal struggle of light versus dark/, divine versus daemon. Whenever the troops spell is cast it switches to it’s alternate version. This shouldn’t be too different than a summons and it would allow us to design both cards :wink: Traits could be different ffor both sides as well. If you’re going to go legendary go big lol. For a name I was thinking Eclipse.


I like the idea of a fallen angel or corrupt god. So a darkened Divine troop is my choice.
Characters like Lucifer and Hades, both beings of divinity but rulers of the underworld.

I’d like to see a follower of Infernal King with their own ideas and goals, a Divine working with the Daemons to further their own intent. It’s simple yet complicated. Cruel yet merciful. Dark yet bright.

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I second the ‘Not Another Legendary Daemon’ opinion and you can’t stop me.

Some Dark God/dess would be interesting, while also letting us slot the troop into Divine…

That makes a bit more sense to me than the various Demon Hunter -type ideas, simply because a DH would be an Epic and not a Legendary in my mind.

Unless… corrupted former Demon Hunter? I like this now. Combine the things.

I’m not too keen on making this tie into existing characters or lore, because that’s more an NPC thing (i.e. quest Epic) and every one of the legendaries so far are more leaning on ‘something to kill’. I mean, striking out from that standard is one thing, but we also can’t just have this legendary that, what, happens to be your friend? … I don’t buy it.


I think it works well especially if it was the Herald of Chaos :stuck_out_tongue:

I for one, am getting kind of sick of all the legendary troops being evil. I don’t see any reason there can’t be “good” legendary troops.


B/c you’re the hero and you’re a good guy! Gotta take down the legendary, so it’s gotta be bad.

I agree. I don’t think it’s entirely without precedent, either. Is Celestasia evil?

True for boss-types, not necessarily for Legendaries introduced without story. (I think?)

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This +1
I don’t remember celestasias storyline…I know there is a website somewhere I can read about it…

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Maybe this would make more sense as a trait. Once the “evil” dies the light has the chance to escape.

We’ve had to temporarily close Design-a-Troop. Sorry!

You can read about it here: