CONSOLE: New Mythic - Gard's Avatar

It’s going to be insanely hard for you to claw back resources now obviously for future troops, but I certainly don’t blame you for thinking about calling it a day, mate. I suppose your only saving grace would be an announcement in the form of Abynissia, Draakulis, Plague and War being brought more in line with Death, Famine, Gard’s Avatar and Pharus. I certainly feel sorry for your current situation and can’t believe it took all that resources.

Also…does anyone want to do the total sum of how much real money that equates to please?

I honestly think this was what they were going for: reduce the level of resource accumulation to the point where sooner or later, most of the endgame players have a bad-enough run of luck trying to pick up a new mythic that the resource hoards are eliminated and no one can expect to generate enough resources to guarantee a complete collection (without paying real cash to buy gems to buy VIP keys when everything else runs out). I think they want to gradually pull the end-game players back to the pack, and the system is working.

It won’t work with me i am vip level 10-1/2 and look like i would need to burn about another 400-500$ just to get the other half!

Enough is enough! When i will be done i will just delete game and go on another

How much $ worth of resources did death use before he got Gard’s Avatar, Ricky?

1300$ only in vip chests

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Nice one. Cheers, mate.

I’ve got him not too long ago, I’ve spent 900 gems on gem chests to get Gard’s Avatar, I’ve also used all 72 glory keys to try to get him.

what would be the current best value on console, if I decided to buy real money stuff and give Gard another try? Probably the key bundle or is there another option?

A friend and me horded everything just to get dissapointed in our great opening, but I’m still struggling with using money to get him (wow that sounded desperate :D)

I’d never ever recommend spending real money to target a troop, especially a mythic. The typhoon of keys pack is £53! And you only get 15 vip and an assortment of others.

Yay, got two Gards now fully traited. Took “only” 100 vip keys.

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You bugger! I used 115. Got none and bottled it and opened gem chests instead. Got none again. Should have opened another 50 or whatever.

I told you all to buy VIP keys right after this started… :wink:

Decent variant on the typical Gard team… Maybe a tiny bit slower to start, but less prone to stalling. And you get some souls.

Dragon Soul
Gard’s Avatar

I am too pissed i spended everything i had and saw some guildmate get it real quick, i am happy for them but i will never spend real money on this game, im hoping to get it with the next statue reward , if not i will probably consider stop playing. It took me so much time to bank ressources and only 5 min to spend them and not getting it while i spend over 2000$ of ressources. It would probably take a year just to get back to what i had this is really frustrating


I hear ya and feel for ya @Rickygervais I know it’s bullshit. Good luck with whatever you decide.

I’m still in disbelief myself actually. Even named my Gard team FuckUGard.


“He shall smite the wicked.” More like he’ll smite your resources and then kick you in the nads :dizzy_face:


Wow. Super lucky. Been hoarding my resources waiting for the new kingdom. Figured for shits and giggles I’d spend 100 glory keys… gards avatar dropped in the second batch of 50.

Anyone know which runics and how many of each to upgrade him?

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If you meant Arcanes, you need Red/Yellow and Yellow/Brown. 21 of each (plus a mixture of minor, major and runic Yellows). If you’re short, you’ll be able to get both Arcanes for Glory about 4 weeks from now (plus or minus 2 weeks) when we get the next Leonis Empire event. Otherwise, happy farming!

I assume you mean yellow/brown, but thanks, very helpful!

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Wait, you only spent 100 glory keys?
WOW, I didn’t think my week on this game could get any worse. Then you came along.