A New Mythic Approaches - Yasmine's Chosen

I’ve been running this team and it’s been working reasonably well at least in dungeons:

The idea is to take the enemy team down to 3 troops asap so Yasmine’s damage is split between three troops instead of four. I don’t have her third trait yet, so damage can be a bit low at times, but Maw is always a useful skull smashing backup.

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Her damage is low even with the trait honestly. Shes split, so she gets more relative power with fewer enemies. But shes split boosted by a status, so she need enemies alive (and inflicted by that status) to do the most amount of damage. Functionally, shes sort of AoE, sort of split damage self looper.

I’ve found this to be effective:

Gorgotha is there to soak up skull hits and reset bad boards, Mab is there to protect you against misses. Convert colors you don’t need with apothecary to fill Yasmine if needed. Try not to cast gorgotha if you have a favorable board, you want to keep a bunch of greens on there for as long as possible. If Mab fills through cascades, you can just throw her out even if you’ll drop the turn once you have enough control and no better options are available. Yasmine will drop the turn at least once most of the time, but hopefully you’ll have enough control to deal with the relevant threats having taken green mana by then. Apothecary cleanses, so you are in less danger of getting frozen rendering your team useless.