3.1 update verdict?

I’m sick and tired of hearing how 4x is the reason behind this major nerf of the game rewards to the players. It is the best thing for one reason. So we don’t have to sink as much time into the game to achieve the same goals.


And as crafting is optional I think it highly unreasonable to be forced to lose resources I rely on and be given crafting rewards.
This game need two treasure hunt mini games, one as is currently and one that gives crafting rewards.
Plus iron keys for common and rares over 18 months old and gold keys for the rest.
I needed a silver drakon to 5* silverglade until a few months ago, even with crafting that wouldn’t have been an option. This is a totally ridiculous, stupid and avoidable situation.

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VIP 12 and I’m done donating as well.


When i see your name i can’t resist to sing the Luminers songs

Oh, @Ophelia, you’ve been on my mind girl since the flood

Oh, @Ophelia, heaven help a fool who falls in love


and I cant stop thinking of this beautiful painting of Ophelia:


I probably resemble the more crazy Natalie Merchant version of Ophelia. :wink:


I’ve started looking for another game - again probably an unheard or just starting to get heard.

The direction this one is going is starting to look a lot like the way Zgna with with Farmville, Big Fish went with Gummy Drop, and Gems & Genies game went. Each of these previous games I LOVED… so did so many people. Then bugs, cost, reduction in ways rewards were doing, and then slowly but surely dilution due to new components and or pieces.

Over and over - I have heard my husband complain about this for years with so many of his beloved games he started out with, that become successful and then GREEDY. And mind you I’ve seen it…how many of us are/were MtG freaks!

The bigger the player base, the less of the fun stuff, free stuff, really amazing things that make the game an absolute ball happened.

I am still going to play, but it is clear the writing is on the wall. The Dev have gone silent since the introduction of Guild Wars and the reduction of compensation for issues reported, more so the number of bugs that are in critical leaderboard areas such as GWs.


Im going to be playing Destiny 2 tonight 0h00 on xbox so if any interested just let me know


I’m in the states so I have 1d 5h 30 mins and 8 7 6 5…

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Thank you!

Same here (@Rickygervais seemed so excited I didnt want to give him the bad news)

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I don’t know where he is. Thought maybe a time zone difference.

But this Guardian is locked and loaded!

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Lol my bad i thought it would be out tuesday but it’t thursday :sob:


Well look like tonight i will do kill for the soulforge and tomorow 0h00 GARDIAN time baby!!!


Pretty sure Destiny 2 has a global release not regional

It’ll be a rolling midnight release across the world. In other words, you can start playing at 12 AM on September 6 in your country. In the US, this means the servers will unlock at midnight ET on September 6

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Correct. 11pm central for me.

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Just got the following tweet.

Sounds like changes may be coming. Let’s wait and see.


Still weird no info on the forum

Maybe they’re embarrassed to come back to face the music?

Uhh… Some upcoming Gems of War changes (including more gems!) - #211 by Arturo