2.0 Known Issues

Just had the reset (12am pst) and what others have noted happened - plus. I am tier 1 and only received the reward for tier 14. The plus part - I received those rewards twice. Kind of good but . . .

Ditto for me. Tier1. Got tier 14 bonus.

Also when viewing members of my guild, everyone shows as tier 0

Same here - I am tier 1 and just got tier 14 bonus.

Same here this morning, got to tier 1 last night, got reward for tier 14 this morning.

I have 11 5-stars, 3 3-stars, 1 2-stars and 8 4-stars kingdoms. All quests were completed. My home kingdom is Pride Land.
Is Gold per day 4385 correct?
Why do the 2-stars kingdoms and 4-stars kingdoms tribute the same gold?
EX: Adana 4-star tribute 145 gold/day
Glacial Peaks 2-star tribute 145 gold/day

I though gold/day was attributed by quests you have completed in kindgom rather than the star system

All quests were completed. Adana 4-star income should be 195 gold/day

You can increase it at 1-silver star, 2-gold star and 4-gold star kingdom power, both increase it by a further 50

True, forgot about this, my adana 2 star is indeed 145 gold
I checked my kingdoms and all <2 are 95, 2-3 stars 145 and 4-5 195

My daily reward was 3 glory and I’m tier 1, not sure how long I’ve received the reduced reward. When given it had me as tier 14.

@Sirrian, @Nimhain

I don’t see the PVP Defend Stats bug on the list of known issues.

I’m continuing to accrue Defense losses (and the associated loss of rewards) at a steady pace, despite not actually registering any losses. When the splash screen comes up, it says “X wins, 0 losses” every time. The battle log shows them as victories. But my profile shows them as losses and my PVP points don’t add up, which suggests they’re being applied as losses.

I’m hoping there’s a fix forthcoming that will also fix our profiles, it sucks looking at a perfect invade record and a 95% loss rate in defends.

@sirrian, @Nimhain

At 8:50 am. this morning, annaerith from “some guild” completed a glory key task, but was greeted with an error after said completion, as i spend my glory keys as i get them, i did not recieve said keys after the error… I restarted game a few times and still no keys in mail.

Send a ticket to support they will be able to fix it.

+1 to daily reset (yesterday) and rank 14 rewards even if on rank1


I don’t know if this was reported yet, but in the guild roster not only are the kick buttons still covering the Class icons for some reason, after 2.0 came out when you click on the kick button it opens the info page first.

I dont know if this is on the list but i didn’t see it in a glance currently every time i complete and pvp battle I get a sever error message and have to restart my game i do receive the gold reward but i do NOT receive glory,
Nor do I receive glory from defense wins but i do receive the other items

One thing I’ve noticed with the ghost troop bug is that it’s possible for them to come back to life,
such as with Abhorath’s Huge trait shown below, at which point they can actually be defeated:

Edit: I just encountered another ghost (Jarl Firemantle w/Huge trait).
Again, after setting up a 4 gem match, I was able to defeat him too. :relieved:


I noticed a trouble too : I have a X2 multiplier for Souls (Spider armor plus Hard level difficulty) but I earn only 7 Souls when I defeat 4 ennemies and no bonus when I lose (only one per defeated ennemy).

Sorry if already reported.

and Thanks for this game :slight_smile:

The same thing happens with the Promote/Demote buttons. A minor inconvenience, but still annoying.

Daemonic Pact can spawn with an applied ‘on-hit effect’ - in this case, Aflame.

Followed immediately by my IK attempting to ignite their entire team with his ability, again.

FOLLOWED BY another ghost troop which caused me to lose. Sigh… Interesting to note that its doing damage based on the attack of the last actually surviving troop, rather than its own.