1.0.9 Preview Part 1 – Hero Classes

Yes it is! (At last)


And can we simply ascend to next tier with a single click instead of the current screen-breaking, 100+ clicking implementation?


Now that one is a clear +1!

Sorry for sounding so negative, but it really does feel like a terrible design choice to me.

From what I was able to gather, the hero will be the most powerful troop as of 1.0.9, even stronger than Legendary troops. Meaning that I’ll want to put the hero in almost every team. The hero will also be highly customizable, taking the role of tank, damage or support based on class and perk selection. Meaning that even a minor change to the hero setup (e.g. switching from Warlord to Sorcerer) will wreck most team compositions, because the pieces no longer fit together. Somehow I can’t get rid of the picture in my head of selecting the next PvP opponent, picking a banner, exiting to the global hero configuration screen to fine tune the hero and then returning to PvP to start the match. For each fight.

Which gets me to the other piece of bad news, being locked into your class for five days. Say I’ve been playing Warlord to max level, now I want to work on leveling up Sorcerer over the weekend. I switch the class, automatically breaking all my PvP teams, because a Sorcerer is unlikely to work well as front line tank. I replace some teams with whatever helps me to get started on the Sorcerer road. Come Monday I’m facing perfect builds with my low level Sorcerer while trying to climb the ladder. Ouch.

Please tell me I’m missing something obvious. It sounds like you no longer want players to experiment with team compositions and just stick to as few teams as possible forever. Which is really a shame, now that you’ve given us so many toys to play with.


I agree with a bunch of your points - the SNAFU that will ensue upon changing a hero’s class, for instance. Can think of a couple of better ways to do that

I do want to point out that with sufficient preparation, you wouldn’t have a ‘low level’ issue to deal with. Because it “only” takes 5k souls to level a class up to 20 AFAIK.

I think the part where we’re locked in for a while will help us not to burn through all the classes in the first week. Wanting to try the new stuff is a thing, but those classes could last halfway to the next patch or longer with this model.

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Let’s keep naming calling to a minimal until we see actual stats please.
I’m not sure about the Hero being the most powerful… since as it is the current Hero is pitifully weak.
So what you perceive as major buff may simply even out to a small advantage over other cards.

On the other hand, I actually see this change as something that adds to flexibility, and not restricting it. At least I’m excited that Hero will be able to adapt to different roles. However, the class-lock deal IS kind of a pain, so perhaps consider reducing the non-free change cost to something small? Even if we have to use gems, then at least price it as 1 gem per class change or something plz?


That was the other thing! We don’t know what the legendaries’ stats and traits will look like. So balance questions are not answerable yet.

I think for the majority of player base who are not in top guilds, even just 1 Gem can be a big deal. The 50 gem price tag in the video is simply too devastating to support those who enjoy multiple team playstyles. :dizzy_face:

Possible solutions outside of revamping programming infrastructure can be…

  1. Alter class-change cost to 1 gem per change OR
  2. Reduce the cooldown timer from 6 days to 6 hours

What about this idea:

A “favored class” (d&d 3 anyone?)
Select your favored class, then switching to it is always free and can be done anytime.

You’ve leveled your warlord to max, and built done good teams around it. You decide to level sorcerer for a while, and make the switch. It’s ladder reset tinge and you switch back to your favored class for free.

As to the idea of having to reset your deck every time you switch, that’s why there are so many team slots. You have your 3 favorite warlord ones, then a few sorcerer ones etc.


I can see where this will leave some teams as not fully optimal, but it also gives us more diversity on the teams we will face. Some days a Warlord might be leading the giants, some days a necromancer. Yes, you’ll miss out on the giant and Brokenspire bonus when you’re a necromancer, but you’ll have other benifits.

We’ve been spoiled by team bonuses. The bonuses are nice, but not essential to every team.

I see something like the Warlord Class, and I want to use the Staff of Madness with it. Does it make sense? Not really, but +4 magic on the weapon is powerful.

Let’s play with the hero again and then see if it really feels like a major inconvenience.

I’m excited for the idea of class challenges.

Or guild wars that will require certain classes to do certain things…

I really love the idea of a personalized hero that does NOT fit for every situation. If you don’t want the hassle of your twenty team slots having to be remade every time you switch classes, then just don’t build 20 static teams around your hero every time you chose a class, it is simple.

Be real, 75% of players will stop experimenting with teams anyway as soon as they found a team that gives fast and easy wins(to be even more real the majority of these players don’t experiment in the first place, but just pick what other players have posted on the forums).

The thing is you can’t have it both ways, your hero being interesting and personalized and you having fun with building a team around its strengths and weaknesses, or your hero being an empty but adaptive shell being customfit with a generic spell to fit your teams.

I personally am very pleased about the class lockout of five days, and people will get over it and adapt, i really hope it stays in place, else why introduce different classes in the first place if the choice will just be meaningless.


When you test a team sometimes it isn’t so good as you think. For example, this week I added Mercy in my main team and yes it’s good but not so good (a lit bit slow). So I just imagine that it will be the same with Hero’s class (with different traits and bonus). You think Hero will be perfect but when you test, not good at all. But you cannot change his class so you have to forget about him/her for 5/6 days… That also means that when you are going to change the Hero’s class, you will have to think a lot about it.
Despite all of this discussion, there is also the fact that we are going to pay to change the Hero’s class… GoW removed the gold fees for the invade and now will go back to a new feature with fees. With gems! Who will be able to pay 50 gems despite the high active guilds? A little bit unfair and it seems to me that this is giving the stick to be beaten (ie bad reviews).

Out of topic: if I unlock all my classes and I didn’t use any change, do I have 7 free changes or only one?

That feel when you try to do the 5 day challenge with your hero. In 5 days either max your hero’s class or at the end of the 5 days you fail and must switch classes immediately and try again with another class. Also when the hero class comes out i think it will be fun how it changes team line ups such as “oh i used shegra’s heart or prisma orb…yes but what was your hero class?” This might mean a return of 3 same troop prisma orb decks if anything horrible because omg i want prisma orb.

The way I see it, the Hero’s getting a buff, period. Not just the adaptability with a type or kingdom addition, but just generally stronger. No matter what team you build around your Hero, they’re just a +1 to Kingdom/Type, so that minor loss won’t kill your entire setup, just slow it down.

If you really want a team without possible Hero loss, don’t use a Hero in your defense team, or if you do, remember to change it upon switching class.

1.0.7 made it so Hero isn’t a requirement when building a team anymore with 1.0.8 fanning the troops flames. This update will make Hero viably usable again, but not necessarily a requirement in every build.


Remember this is only making the hero comparable to legendary troops but isn’t mythic the highest rarity? So the hero can’t be comparable to mythic troops so even though it gets a buff and makes it almost entirely usable early and mid-game but once troops get to mythic rarity the hero might get out classed. The devs basically turned the hero into a troop that has a max rarity of legendary with almost extreme versatility but then the hero can not get any better than legendary rarity so even a mythic legendary might be better than the hero. The hero is always versatile but to make it only as good as the second strongest rarity and then giving the legionaries a boost on top of that it makes heroes as strong as the prebuffed legionaries. Only time will tell just how good the hero stuff is considering some of the weapons the hero uses are really good like sun and moon or crescendo or Shegra’s heart or even prismatic orb.

I just thought of something that will leave you all in shiver.
As a Zaejin Marauder.
How well will you sleep tonight?


I’ll sleep just fine. marauder/goblin teams are merely a nuisance. A good team can easily beat fully traited marauders/glibins >95% of the time…

I know, I have no problem with them (hence the “jk”), but I do think it would be a nightmare for players below lvl 100 !
Hopefully, they’ll also get frozen spells to counter the pesky little green guys :stuck_out_tongue: