I get it, but don’t see it.
When I last looked at my checklist, I need something like 3,000 of each arcane if I want to trait every troop. It looks like they’re being sold in packs that max out in the “tens”. While I am complaining there isn’t enough stuff to motivate me to spend money, “10 arcanes” is a neat unit of sale. That tends to be enough to trait out ONE troop, which is a pretty decent boost of power. (I could be wrong about higher-end troops there but whatever.)
The Deathknight Armor pack is the only $50 one that makes sense, regardless of whether I’d spend on it. That thing says “if you start a new account, you can spend $50 to skip some grinding and get the important VIP level”. This is what a $50 purchase in an F2P game should feel like: an immediate, obvious, and permanent boost to your power. Even though I have Dragon/Celestial armor, I can’t help but drool over Deathknight. I don’t have and probably won’t ever spend $50 all in one go, but this ONE deal gets my seal of approval.
I think the $5-$10 range should have an impact not much greater than “trait out an Epic and maybe Legendary troop”. That’s a decent, immediate, permanent boost in power. I have a list of 20 troops I’d love to trait out this way, and it’s probably going to take me as much time to decide to farm it all out as it will for me to pay $5/month to do it. I’ll take a square deal on time, and we also know at the rate we’re going if it takes me 20 months there’ll be a ton of new troops, so it’s not like I’m “getting ahead” too far.
That’s the scary thing to the devs: they don’t want me buying a whole collection for cheap. I’ll burn out and quit if that happens. I agree. I think the current cost of buying all the traitstones you need is ridiculous. A more reasonable cost would be $200-$300. And they should NEVER make it that cheap. It’s P2W, and bad for retention. So let’s get that out of our system.
I think the Mini VIP pack is kind of cool, it stinks that it’s limit 3 IMO. The Arcane Traitstone pack with a ton of 6x traitstones is probably “acceptable”. I wish, instead of $35 for 36, it was $6 for 6.
That’s kind of what I want, over and over again. “Hey, instead of a really expensive smorgasbord, can I get a tenth of that for 10%?” I don’t need to buy 500 traitstones at a time. Usually I’ve got some troop that’s just like, 6 away. “Would you pay $5 instead of farming for a day?” Sure. On the right day I would.
It’s not that I’m not having fun with GoW, it’s just that once I finish with my 3 allotted “Mini VIP packs” the remaining $5/$10 increments aren’t exciting.
One thing I didn’t think about someone mentioned today: if you’re playing PC/Mobile, you can sort of “finance” the expensive packs. Just take the money you would spend on a cheap pack and put it in your Steam Wallet instead. Then when you’ve got enough, buy it there.