XBOX event delayed until July 14th

Actually… maybe it wasn’ta bad idea to have a second GoW thing after all. At least now I can see if things aren’t going right for either console. I checked the shop; Ifrit IS up on XB1. Wouldn’t have known if I didn’t start up a new GoW runthrough on the platform.

Any news yet about the armor? 5 days look like we will never see it


Considering you seem to have the ability to add and remove anything at will from the Glory section of the Store, but the Microsoft side remains exceptionally uncooperative. I have an idea.

Could we have the option to buy the Hero weapons that we missed last week and this week for Glory (like the old days).



Does support take credit cards? I want my armor lol

Xbox also doesn’t have the hero weapon in store for 2 weeks in a row

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Right. This is all related. With the last patch we changed the type of object (from Microsoft’s point of view) that purchasable things are. They need to approve it. And for various (non-technical) reasons… they haven’t done so.

Until they do, we’re stuck without any new items in the shop.

PLEASE NOTE - once Microsoft actually approves things, and we have the power to adjust shop items normally again, we’ll make a plan for how to address the lost time. But until it’s fixed, we don’t know how much time we’ve lost, and can’t make that plan.

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Thank you for the feedback i don’t care if it’s good or bad news, just want to know if you guys still trying to get answers. Thanks again i will wait and see what happen in couple weeks in the hope we get it sorted soon.

I greatly appreciate the plan to allow for us to recoup the lost time. Especially the current weapon - which I have been awaiting since the PC could acquire Crescendo in February.

Thank you very much for keeping us informed - and looking out for our game-play and ability to acquire all the game has to offer. :smiley:

So just to be clear, there is no update on this yet correct? No death knight armor or anything 'til you get Microsoft’s approval?

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I bet we’ll know before the devs, because once Microsoft approves it, it will magically appear in the store.
I reckon

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No useful update, no.

We, like you all, continue to wait on Microsoft.


Completely understand. Thanks for the update anyway!

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No problem. I just wish I had more info for you.

The moment we have something meaningful to tell you all, we’ll let you know.


You guys are just being nice and don’t want to take our money!! :wink:


Thanks for the update. Glad to hear there’s a plan to allow us to get all the stuff that was missed due to Microsoft’s lag in implementing this. I will probably purchase Crescendo if it’s a $5 pack.

Microsoft is too week can we buff it so that it will be macrohard?

The packs and Death knight armor have showed up in the marketplace. I’m not sure what else was supposed to? Just a heads up!


Bought the armor to support our beloved devs.
Top tip for newbies that love this game is to drop the fifty bucks US on that pack…


Whooo hooo we love you guys at gems of war!!


The new Armor is awesome and worth every penny