Wrong enemies in the Beast Whisperer world event

My experience from previous events, and limitedly from this one, is no – it’s typically (for me) been whichever battle previously occupied the same space/area on the map.

I did get a Gobtruffle battle with Morana troops as well, but not every Gobtruffle battle has its troops replaced, and I believe it’s possible for non-Morana troops to be the replacements as well.

Mobile, Android (but think I also encountered on PC).

Edit: Reminds me of this bug/issue, tbh:

Edit 2: Confirmed as not “consistently wrong” in the sense of “Gobt with Morana troops”, as this pic shows Vanya:

Note the map state immediately prior to Wereverine battle and then map reset:

(Wereverine battle:)

Other Gobtruffle battle has Morana troops, consistent with the placement of the Lady Morana battle before the reset:

Other two battles had the correct troops, however the same battles were in those positions in the previous map state.