Worse than Bone Dragon: The Invisible Threat

I’ve been trying to understand what this thread is all about. And after I read several time I think I get what’s Kuro concerned about. I think it’s not about that secret team she didn’t want to share about. People been bitching about manticore / BD a lot and somehow it doesn’t affect her whatsoever. She seen the other thing that actually could kill the game, which is the invade teams that so strong and efficient. There’s many teams that could destroy enemy in 1-2 turn or under 2 minute so it doesn’t matter what team Kuro was talking about. The repetitive mechanic is what bored her and said as ticking bomb.[quote=“Kurokazna, post:1, topic:15421”]
What needs to be addressed here is the teams that can win invades in one or two turns. Yes. This will hurt end/post game players. A lot. Heavily. This will be wildly unpopular, but this is a ticking time bomb. I’m already considering calling it quits because of how repetitive this game has gotten, and I salute those on the leaderboards for their drive and ability to do the same thing over and over again. But the challenge is gone for me.

There are many teams that can win in 1-2 turn and I think most of people know it already. Maw, Mab, Bat, Gard, Guardians, you name it. Again it’s not the point she was trying to addressed. Sure she could just PM the devs if she really think her secret team is broken or oeverpowered and need to be addressed but it’s not her concern, hence she made this thread to get some helps from community. But some people seems missed the point.

In the end it doesn’t matter anymore what everyone said because she’s decided to quit the game already. Too many repetitive opinions from very small portion of people who would like each other comments just to derail the thread and entertainment sake. I’d suggest devs to lock this thread.


I read your earlier suggestion and didn’t like the idea. I would never have kept playing GoW if it had such a restrictive PVP mechanic. Heck, I’d drop GoW the second it added such a mechanic despite the countless hours and money I’ve put in. I would not find it fun for them to limit my use of troops I’ve had to grind my butt off to level and trait.

The name of the game should be incentives. Hopefully, this new event system will add some.


To what end? Nobody has said anything offensive or off-topic. I don’t understand why the devs should have to save us from our own discussion here.

She wasn’t looking for help from the community, she’d already made up her mind. There’s nothing we can do to help her with her situation that she can’t just do for herself. The game is set up in such a way that, for those who can afford to put in the time and gather the resources, yes, end-game is easy. That’s how it works. You have the flexibility at that point to set the challenge level as you see fit, by utilizing whatever resources you like out of the fortune you’ve amassed. Want more of a challege? Then use weaker troops.

Put it this way: if devs nerfed the invade teams so people lost a lot more than they do today, then the forum would light up with “this defense is too powerful” complaints left and right. We already have that with “OP defensive meta of the day.”


Guys, a source of mine sent me a link to the unlisted YouTube video showing off this team in action. I was going to criticize OP for this post like the most of the rest of you, but I’ll give credit where credit is due the team is actually as good as advertised, totally broken and devs will definitely need to make changes to a couple troops to address it. Looks like console doesn’t have all the troops yet needed sadly.

Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Official Music Video) - YouTube


Well played, Vega. That’s an oldie but a goodie.

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Nonsense. It’s not complicated to get that she saw a problem in the game being too easy and becoming repetitive. It’s just that (1) not everyone thinks it’s the biggest problem around and (2) her following responses rapidly became very odd and illogical…

This thread could win this year’s most bizarre prize…


You are right, please continue the “discussion”.

Brilliant. Top quality manure. Thanks guys.

I bet this ‘new’ way of playing the teams is hilarious.

Some advice for white knights; you are actually sparking the conversation, it seems you are the one who doesnt get it. Derp.

Reading all of the posts in this thread and all of a sudden a thought came to me. Maybe, just maybe, this is exactly what Kuro wanted. They had already decided to quit the game. For whatever reason. That is for them to know. How fun is it for them to sit back and see the turmoil, ruffled feathers, wagging fingers and general discord they have created by making up this story about a game killing team when, as many have said, there are quite few to choose from? Leave a legacy by creating this thread. I wonder. I didn’t know Kuro personally so I can only speculate. Maybe I’m just playing devil’s advocate. :wink:

Oh and all comments aside and being totally honest - the curiosity is killing me to know exactly what team they were referring too - if there was one. :smile:

The super-secret-game-breaking-unbeatable-turn-one Intrim™-secret-protected team is simply:

EK / Valk / Justice / Mab

nothing you haven’t seen in many defense teams before, sorry to disappoint you.


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I don’t understand

If that is truly the team, how on earth do people finish in one to two turns on average? I’ve used that team plenty Of times. While it’s certainly a solid and quick team I would hardly call it game breaking?

Perhaps I’m missing something :stuck_out_tongue:

that was not suggestion to make a mechanic like that,
it was a suggestion to play out of her/his own free will using such or any different variation to raise personal game difficulty

since the problem only hits marginal amount of players, whoever feels game become too easy and too repetitive can use this pattern to chellenge themselves, thats what the suggestion was for

Still not correct though but if that’s the best you came come up with, you have a long way to go.

> reads thread’s title as “The Invisible Thread”
> opens thread
> wishes the thread was actually invisible


“quickly, lets point in the other direction and pretend it’s not it at all!”

Honestly, there’s many variations of the team and teams along those lines. This was the team Kuro used though, you can say whatever you want, and people can believe whomever they wish to.

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I am glad someone said it, and not me. [quote=“Mekkalyn, post:73, topic:15421”]
Testing is great and is not “greedy”

If you test it, how do you know your way of playing will be compatible? The meta seems to be a blanket, it covers most play styles, but what what about those whose play style are different? [quote=“Lyya, post:81, topic:15421”]
Not even counting the Hero, there are currently 6,505,390,336 possible team compositions. I think one of the remaining 6,505,390,335 would suffice.

Did you do the math for that yourself? (not a sarcastic question, i really want to know if/how you calculated that.)[quote=“VegaDark541, post:86, topic:15421”]


jokes on you, i am their number one fan.

I wish to see what Talia would say about this topic xD


True, but many perfect proofs fall to Peer Review. How many papers were written trying to find the simple proofs of Fermat’s Last Theorem before people started writing papers on the likely mistakes Fermat made to claim a simple proof.

So any “Broken” team not open to peer review is just a troll.

Gold… :joy: