Are they currently blocking on a kingdom power upgrade level you happen to be sitting on? I believe this might be the only criteria for them to appear. All pet offers so far have been middle slot and specific state this text “help (kingdom) towards power (level)”. Same goes for ingots, troops, and class xp offers. Every troop offer I’ve gotten so far is one I already had plenty of copies of, but I’ve just been lazy about ascending, I haven’t gotten an offer for one (yet) that has already ascended high enough to complete the task that I just haven’t leveled yet, but I suspect this might be possible. But all of them were currently for a kingdom with an “incomplete” power level task where the thing in question would theoretically move toward that goal.
Likewise, there doesn’t appear to be any specific criteria for the crafting resource “offers”, medals, chaos shards, legion booster/“expert” supply, deeds/writs, etc. to show up.
The kingdom upgrade offers, if possible, appear to take priority for slot 2, and quite possibly only appear in slot 2.
VIP only offers can only appear in slot 3, obviously, but it looks like discounted slot 3 offers can only be slot 1 offers otherwise (This is important because if I am correct here, you’d never see class xp, ingots, troops, or, most importantly pets as a discounted slot 3 offer, meaning they are limited to one offer per day max).
Looking at the patch notes, this was outright stated, but not fully understood until seeing the system in action for a bit:
(emphasis mine)
This has other implications about the algorithm that hands out offers that I haven’t seen brought up here yet. Patch notes specifically said one type of offer was a “Player Level Offer”. So far, I’ve seen pretty much the same spread of slot one offers on all accounts between low 1000s and mid 1300s in level. And I’m not exactly seeing “better” offers for those of you that are hundreds of levels higher than that. This leads me to believe the the “Player Level Offer” cut off for any kind of offer change is likely level 1000 or lower.
Since the only two criteria stated with the patch notes were “Player Level Offers” and “Kingdom Power Offers”, this further leads that highly desirable “Player Level Offers” will be spit out purely randomly and include garbage like Expert Supply and absolutely abysmal the crafting offers far far beyond the level where this would ever be a good idea and regardless of how many resources you have on hand. This also means this “type” of offer won’t it wouldn’t skew toward any bottlenecks. I fully expect, for example, Medal of Gaard to be offered even if you had Elite Gold leveled every single possible troop, Green deeds to be offered if you had every green kingdom at level 15, Legion Booster to be offered if you have every single key troop at mythic, and Chaos Shards to be offered if you have every portal troop at mythic and every faction hoard at level 100+, with no specific weighting based on which modes you played or how much of any you had on hand.
You would, of course, get more “Player Level Offers” if you cannot get any “Kingdom Power Offers”, thus increasing your chance of landing something you might actually want from this category (like deeds maybe), but this category is absolutely stacked to the brim with beginners traps still being inexplicably offered to level 1500+ players with so much surplus of the resources offered that there would be little to no practical use for getting the resources in question even if they were given for free. This has me seriously wondering what “Player Level Offers” look like for a young account.
And further reservations that the dev team does not understand what items players find valuable (read: not even just “more valuable than gems”, but “something I actually want more of in the first place such that even if it is not more valuable than gems I might still buy it”), especially at high levels. Because as demonstrated, offers of the “not worth it, but still desirable” type (ie., class xp accelerators for a kingdom that class is specifically bottlenecking a power level) while being a terrible deal overall, will actually see some use when tailored specifically to a players wants even if they don’t need it - obviously not for everyone, but for someone within the target group. Target group of “Player Level” where a portion of this seems to include “anything above 1000” is way way too broad.
tl;dr: “Bad deals” aside, targeted offers aren’t nearly targeted enough. “Player Level” is not a very good criteria period, “Kingdom Power” offers need to look deeper to see if the items are actually needed for that power level.