Wierd thing about Vampire Lord

He’s used by lower to mid level players and it helps them be able to go toe to toe with high and very high level players.

Most of the latter break out Maw/Mercy (the latter of which we still don’t have and won’t look like we will soon). Queen Mab also shows up very often too.

Next 3 kingdoms feature Maw, Infernal King, and Mab, arguably the 3 strongest legendary troops in the game.

And I still see Goblin teams more than any of them.

Of course. Goblin teams have high team synergy and work together very well. Any orc team has a higher dps than a goblin team. It seems that most people just haven’t realized that yet lololol. More kingdoms would be used if people just realized the magnitude of the bonuses offered to well made teams.

I agree, the majority of players just copy each other. You can make any Troop viable

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You have to look at what the kingdom offers.

Goblins are the best. Then I’d say the Knights from Sword’s Edge then Giants from Stormheim if you we’re looking at a 4 and 4 team. But Ghulvania’s best troop, Crimson Bat, is a monster. So you lose out a bit.

Forest of Thorns Fey is another great 4/4 team

Lol no. orcs and goblins would be tied for first since orc teams have higher attack, can stop goblins from using skulls, and can further buff their attack power. Divinion fields and Zhul’Kari also have very powerful combinations to offer.

Orc, Summoner, Drake rider, Gar’Nok. Highest DPS I’ve ever seen on a well formed team.

The orcs don’t have as many good damage dealers and relying on skulls is risky when the other team has non stop extra turn So respectfully, orcs aren’t even close to being better than Goblins.

You misunderstand. Orc, the common troop, can consume skulls to do damage and drake rider can produce red gems to effectively fuel that skill when needed. Summoner supports with life increase and summoning while Gar’Nok buffs attack AND summons. This combination will only become more powerful when summoning scales with the level you have the summoned troop at. Not only that, dark song, can effectively trash a goblin team if used to replace summoner.

I get how they work and all and personally I live Gar’Nok.

I’ve also had way too many games where the Goblins kill off 2-4 troops where you don’t have a turn. Only other success rate I’ve had like that is with the Blue Goblin (Queen Mab for those who don’t get the joke. And the fact the joke calls her a goblin about proves my point.)

Orc’s skill also self buffs attack if he’s damaged.

Way too many games where you don’t even get a turn? I call BS. Either you don’t tactically remove gems or you’ve got shit luck. What’s your win rate in pvp?

With the skulls no longer on the board.

games won over total games multiplied by 100. Tell me, if you will.

And no. I meant when I was playing as the boys from Zaejin. The computer? Pssh. The last time I lost to that was to a Maw and Mercy team with too many Skulls and Purple to start the match so I was screwed either way.

And my fastest dps team is 3 knights and Valkyrie. Knight Coronet constantly deals large damage to 2 targets a pop and has Stoneskin. Yeah not really worried about skull teams. On PC, 1 Queen is all I need.

Fastest DPS team is goblin, boar rider, goblin shaman, and hobgoblin in that order. Took out a team of all legendary troops in 1 turn with it. It was glorious.

An update for gems of war just started downloading on my ps4. This may bring those changes. I’ll report back in about an hour.

I already have it and they weren’t. Just some things but not most.

sadly. The new kingdoms haven’t even come in. Although. they’ll likely come as weekly events rather than an update package.

I am just going to put this team here for anyone interested.
Flesh golem***
Giant spider***
and for the summoned baby spider fully traited.
proud banner, or vampire banner.