Wicked Witch of the Wet

Ok I got a fast answer about the Luck Scrolls and the Headstart Offer:

The Scrolls included in the Tower of Doom Headstart Offer are based on the drop rates of the Scrolls (with some rounding up or down for even numbers)

For the Luck Scrolls though, there was concern there would be confusion around it because of how it directly adds scoring to the event. Which would cause a lot of bug reports about missing score or bonus score throughout the entire event as it wouldn’t add up for guilds who thought they knew how many luck scrolls everyone was getting or players who purchase it thinking they should get a higher or lower score for their purchase - just as some examples off the top of my head.

So instead we put in an extra Power Scroll for the offer, which are rarer than the Luck Scrolls, even though the Luck Scroll would probably be the preferred choice normally.

This was to make up for the fact we weren’t giving Luck Scrolls in the offer but also to help the entire guild as they add +1 to all Guild boons which will help overall to make the event a little easier for every member of the guild.

If you have feedback about this decision please start a feedback thread about it so we can easily track the discussion about it please and thank you :pray: