Why is it you play GoW?

+1, burnout is never good in any given context

Believe it or not, my 3-match w/online socializing “gateway” was Disney Tsum Tsum with LINE. :joy:
While waiting out the clock for my lives in DTT to replenish, I tried out GoW & that was it! 3-match is my favorite type of puzzle game & GoW/Discord has plenty to keep me comfortably addicted. :wink:


No such thing as comfortable addiction.

You must not be a coffee drinker.


I haven’t completed any Faction with potions simply because I don’t have the gems nor desire to play a single Faction up to pure 500 within a few days. I beat ASE at hoard 103 without potions.

It’s also been done at hoard 100 without potions.


I play because it’s fun. I’m not really hardcore player. What I do is figure out the goals I want to achieve in the game and I’ll just focus on that. I know there are a lot of hardcore players here that want to get everything. While that is totally cool I also think that is why there is a lot of resentment towards this game and it’s developers.

To me, it’s only fun until it’s not fun anymore. I’ve dumped plenty of money into this game and for now its giving me the entertainment I want out of a game. When the time comes and I get bored I can walk away with absolutely no regrets on the money I spent on it. I’ve done that with plenty of games so doing this with GoW will not be the first and more than likely will not be the last.


Fun has gone. Anyone who is hardcore knows this. This game as far as forums is concerned is about the heavily addicted minority. Many guys enjoy gems during the daily commute and that is the extent of their play. Its the guys who’ve spent huge cash and play hour after hour that have become addicted despite the oblivion of their unhealthy play. Its a combination if addicted players and the quest for cash that has wrecked the game. The devs had no choice other than to make sure the addicts could never prevail

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I know call outs are a big no but I think in some regards it would be useful to name the protagonists. It may prompt them to seek the help they drastically need.

So because its not fun for you, it can’t possible be fun for anyone else? I dont mind call outs, I’d love to see who you believe needs this intervention. Long as those players can also callout the ones who should just quit and move on with their life. Not saying that’s you, just making it even across the board.

I would like to argue by saying that it was compensation for restrictions on team setups during events and also give a quick headstart against some insanely fast upscaling defenses. I say, potions are alright. They are there for those who need it. I had never gone for more than tier 4 unless for ToD forge scrolls or mythic bounty captain.

Once again you assume and presume. Every input from you pervades that tactic. In that light I have zero to discuss with you. You’re intrinsic demeanour means all discourse is your way or no way. Discussion is beyond your comprehehension.

Bounty captain? I never do that wasteful gem pursuit. Its a 1 off guy that you never are likely to use again. Never spent more on bounty than tier 1 ever.
Bounty is pure solo benefit and many players forgo eg world events to leech the efforts of the guild while selfishly spamming themselves

Hm. Gems of War became Forums of War.

Picked up Candy Crush again in the meanwhile. Starting to care less and less about GoW to the point i almost completely stopped collecting tribute now. Good distraction.

More on topic: thanks to the people sharing their thoughts here already, it’s interesting to read!


Experimenting with team builds is still fun, new toys every week, and the energy system is my attention span.

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Did you mean it is wise to spend more gems on world events? I wouldn’t spend any more than 3 or 4 tiers in World event shop (unless there’s a weapon or troop in the shop).

Regarding bounty, I would like to play with x30 multiplier. I can’t use blue orbs lavishly coz I’ve been playing for only a couple of years and have never been lucky with those orbs. Blue orbs are not craftable or farmable, gems are.

Regarding some players leeching the efforts of the guild, the GL is to blame unless these players had been excused due to busy RL.

Anything that benefits solo progress benefits the guild. More orbs / rewards / ascended cards / etc… = More Kingdom Power = Better Wars scores / ToD efficiency / and farming speed

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I agree. I invested a lot time and money. And now it is getting boring and more like a chore. So now I just work on leveling up. I been playing a little over 2 years.

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