Why Do Guilds Care So Much About Trophies, Guild Wars, and Seals?

Like the title says, why do Guilds care so much about these? I’ll even rephrase a little and say that I understand Seals, but you don’t need 30 people chipping in 2k or even 1500 of them to reach 40k.

But Trophies? Why? Literally no use for them at all other than to boost your ladder ranking, which accomplishes….what?

Same with Guild Wars. Any remotely longtime player has all of the rewards from these, so again, why do we care? Why do Guilds care so much? It’s pointless.

I’ll donate gold all day long because everyone benefits from it, but the others?

I’ve been booted from guilds several times, even if I’ve over donated on the gold, because I didn’t meet some stupid trophy requirement for the week or do well in Guild Wars (if I even participated much).


I’ve wondered the same about trophies. Just for bragging rights, I guess?

As an ex B1 player from the #1 rankeked GW guild on PS for years the reason was mainly because GW is the only part of the game where pure skill mattered. In all the other bits of the game the AI just has crazy high level teams to play against. In GW the tables are equal. It’s your brains vs the other player who set up the defense’s brains. If they have a team that’s going to wipe you out in a turn, you need to come up with a counter and test it out and tweak it before you play them. That was the challenge. And we had people in our guild who lived and breathed for that challenge. And then even with the hopefully correct team you still had to be a good enough player to make the correct moves to make it function. And I’m talking moves like giving an opponent team a 4skull match because the other option was them casting their book and wiping you.
So yeah at the end of the day it was the actual challenge that people cared about. And the 1500 gems every month didn’t hurt either. :slight_smile:

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If you’re a Guildmaster, Guild Trophies also unlock more customization options for your Guild Shield (Emblem, Frame, and Kingdom Background).

It depends a lot on what is the actual trophy limit and how high it is, but mostly, it’s a measure of activity of the player; if the player’s number of trophies is too low, chances are (especially in guilds with higher gold req weekly so that they complete both basic AND epic tasks every week) that the player won’t be able to gather enough gold to donate anyway, long term, so there’s no point keeping such a person in the guild. Chances are that such a player doesn’t participate in guild events to a degree that the GM wants, or simply, that the player won’t/can’t grow/develop their account at all - below a certain number of trophies, you just don’t gather enough resources of various kinds per week to grow. To put it shortly, GMs don’t like people who don’t contribute / aren’t active enough, but enjoy the rewards achieved by other members, often at a high gem cost (guild events, I’m looking at you).

I would argue that the thing with trophy requirements is it shows a certain amount of dedication to the game. Some guild leaders will assume that if ur failing with meeting one requirement, at some point , you will start failing to meet other requirements. And nothing bugs other guild members more than someone who fails to meet requirements.

As for guild wars , a lot of people hate it and a lot love it. For me, it is the one time when i can help others out in my guild , giving advice and recommendations. It truly feels like a whole guild activity. Points requirements on that? I wouldnt join a guild that had that, but thats my personal preference. But i do get that there are guilds out there that want to remain at the top of the leaderboard so have expectations of their guild.members.

What actually have meaning in a virtual world? Virtual trophies, that’s what.

So, why bother playing a virtual game at all…?

Cause you have time to spare, its simple

Trophies actually show you are playing. How will you make gold or complete guild events if you have barely any trophies for the week?