Why are the Traitstones not the same color as the troop in this weeks event?


It happened again!

@jeffr23 Are you saying that even though the Traitstones that come with the Fenrir event pack are listed as x2 Arcane Swamp stones (green/blue), the actual Arcanes which are delivered to player inventory are Arcane Forests (green/brown)?

No, they are listed and rewarded as Forest, but Fenrir is Green/Blue and that Arcane stone is Swamp.

Same “problem” as last week.

This has been fixed.

Oh ok Talia, it’s just that when we/you listed Fenrir’s stones early this morning, it was posted as Swamp Stone already. I had the impression it was Swamp Stone all this time. When jeffr23 posted that he was seeing Forest, the dialogue regarding which-stone-was-included became a little confusing.

But it’s all good now. I hope!

It was supposed to be swamp. Forest was an error that has been fixed now so you should get swamps with Fenrir now.