Who Benefits from the Skeleton Key Nerf?

Nope, Will write it by N-th time. SK after 4.7 (or 4.8?) is no longer “early game weapon” as it requires new player to unlock most of kingdoms, before it’s avaible. By the time neded to make “SK team” you’re pretty much guaranted to earn EoE, and with EoE you can easily farm some lvl 20 delves and earn a nice team like:
EoE, Beetrix, Goblin Shaman, Emperinazara…

And time needed to get these weapon and 2 legendary troops is much shorter than getting that Thief class unlocked.

With resources needed to trait Cederick, you can easily trait Beetrix or Emperinazara, both of which
will boost your team (either giving you easy cleanse, or heavily boosting Beetrix damage with Empi)

If anything, this nerf will help early game players. Early in the game, when you dont have many stat boosts, fighting vs SK team could end up with a quick wipe out of your team… (2 casts of SK, probably even in 1 loop)

Few things:

  1. Try to not be rude, when replying to people. We can disagree, but being rude doesn’t prove your point.
  2. I’ve joined forums after playing for about 2 years. You can check my profile and do math, if you want to know, how long I’m playing.
  3. I will beat that team with:
    Egg thief
    (rat banner +2 brown +1 green)
    10/10 times.

Now, if you realy want a team that will have similiar results as SK before nerf try:

Egg thief
Plunder and Peril on thief/corsair
Trident Banner (+2 blue +1 green)

it’s a bit slower(~5%), because of random targeting and no extra turn on kill, but that shouldn’t be a problem for such pro as you. Will it ?


I agree with everything you said except this…

Lol why leprechaun instead of greed? I mean lep is good for an early start but it’s only 40 gold to start for me and my greed with yasmine medals can start the battle with instant 200 gold. I then would use a + 2 green +1 red or +2 red +1 green banner making it a quick fill for egg thief.(depending on which class i was leveling) .

Cause filling up egg thief fast has higher priority than starting with gold. If the board is good greed is better, but if you can’t fill up ET for several rounds your gold is worthless. Leprechaun can start fast with any board.
I used greed for a long time but switched to Leprechaun exactly for this reason.

In my experience greed always beat out leprechaun. I just went back to it for a few battles each and leprechaun is just much slower for me. Doesn’t always fill up everything and im still left filling thief. But what do I know I only played with it like 40,000 times :joy:.

To explain my point better:

Leprechaun can give you a good start sure. But it’s limited gold. You then need egg thief to fire off multiple times anyway to get enough gold boost to insta kill with key. All of this takes time. Sure you could get lucky hitting lep, filling egg thief and insta killing with the lower gold boost but its unlikely with higher level opponents.

With greed you start with instant 160-200 and filling thief is quick with red or green matches. Sometimes you can get lucky and fill key up early and kill early. Greed also gets to explode a purple gem at the start of battle.

I can do some testing again but greed was always faster.

it’s a team i made long time ago, probably on day, when Lep was released. Greed team were always to slow to fill mana. Lep seemed to help a bit. Also no medals existed on that time.
Lep is better at filling your team with mana. I also used that team in pvp some time ago (few weeks after Lep was released), when getting my ET filled in round 1, was crucial. I’ve finaly stopped using it for pvp, currently use it only for Pet Events. Didn’t need to rethink it at all as it’s quick enough for my needs.

You also need huge +life boosts for that Greed tactic to work, while Lep can be used by any player, assuming they have fully traited Cederick and Lep.

I still think Lep team would win over Greed.

This is an early player issue, not one that’s an issue later on. Its why when I recommend key, or now plunder and peril, its with leprechaun for an early player and greed for a later player. The mana isn’t an issue if you can play the board fast. If the board playing is an issue than I can see having leprechaun.

Its worth doing some low level speed testing. I just got done with proving other teams are better than double cedric for gold farming in explore and that pvp t3 is the best gold farm area (my completely subjective opinion of course, others certainly will disagree and that’s alright). Probably do a plunder and peril test since that is a stronger option now.

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I presume you’re getting those Delve troops by buying up tiers in the appropriate Faction Events. It’s not something that had occurred to me, but it’s a great idea, if you’re lucky enough to hit the right part of the Faction cycle.

I actually disagree that unlocking Thief takes very long. I haven’t tried doing it from scratch, but I feel that you should be able to do all the Quest lines (including Class Quests) within a month or so. Then all you need is to be lucky on getting Cedric from the Vault (admittedly, you need a decent Guild to get enough Vault Keys).

I can certainly see how a weaker SK might make it easier for new players to defeat some defences, but SK is a good team well into mid-game.

So ultimately, I still think it was a badly targeted change.

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@Saltypatra, @Nimhain

I think this is a superbly made point.

All you have to do is remove the Bless mechanic from Life and Death.


@Tresk - That really is quite a disrespectful post.

There’s no such thing as “just a game.” We invest significant time, emotional energy, and sometimes money in these games. Please respect that.


Nope, only by doing regular 3 daily attempts @ delves… and some adventure board tasks for shards… No faction events involved at all, but they can help with shards gathering :wink:

You can easily get EoE on 1st week of play, maybe a bit more, depends how much time you want to spend. And get Beetrix in next week. Probably 1 more for Emperina…if lucky might get them on same week. Plus you can work your way with unlocking kingdoms. Getting Arcane Traitstones might be blocking you, but getting some orbs from events might get you closer.

For my alt, getting EoE was everything it needed to be able to clear anything (until that point used Colden Cog/Clockwork Sphinx/Rowanne/(anything) team which was able to even clear some lvl 40 dungeon fights, but not all and sometimes failed event @ lvl 30). Also focused on getting a stone-class and exp for it. (figured Plaguelord would be best, as his traits aren’t that strong, so rolling with his talents only wont be such painfull like going with Runepriest/Titan/Monk without their 3rd trait). It didn’t took me month, but much more, because i was playing less than 1hr/day and sometimes even didn’t play for a week or two.

All above done, with a freshly new guild made by my alt… (so almost like guildless…) so no “get a good guild” buff :wink:

I also did few test runs, using 2 merchant troops (so +50% gold gained) with Egg Thief + SK. Wasn’t so supreme as SK with Cederik and was originaly planning on playing with my alt:

  1. getting SK quickly
  2. getting Egg thief
  3. getting two cheap to trait merchant troops, just for gold boost

and start rolling with such team, early on… this is early game has changed a lot, and after getting EoE i decided to dump SK team idea at all, once unlocked underground went for quick Beetrix grind… already had goblin shaman and Medea… but since release of Emperinazar, replaced Medea with Emperinazara…

Funny you mentioned this. I rushed through the early game on an alt for beginner guide purposes and its not long at all. I got key at level 175 and was done with all quests at 196. Getting there took less than a month for sure.

But the point about other useful low level weapons still stands. Mang/manacles/EoE/plunder and peril are all options early and in the mid-game.


Just FYI, I believe both of those options are impossible with a new character.

My alt can access Faction Events because I unlocked all Kingdoms before the current staging kicked in. But the only Quests I’ve done are Broken Spire and a handful of Class Event unlocks (including Thief) – don’t ask why, lol. I cannot access the Underworld at all, I believe until I do the Sin of Maraj quests.

For a new character, I believe you would have to do all the quests up to Sin of Maraj before you can access the Underworld or any of the Faction Events (possibly the latter might unlock with their respective Kingdom, but I doubt it). So basically, I think you have to do all the Kingdom quests anyway to unlock the Underworld, by which time you would definitely have Thief, and be well on the way to unlocking Skeleton Key, if you so chose.

@Starlite. Wait… what? The disrespectful post was the one insinuating that ones intellect is directly proportional to their Gems of War gameplay. Not liking a nerf in a game (or liking it) should not be our yardstick for measuring intellect. :woman_facepalming:

The reality is that even if you play Gems of War 24 hours a day 7 days a week and 52 weeks a year, it is still just a game. It’s a game I happen to enjoy, and play quite a bit of. I never said that it’s wrong to care about a game you play. I said it’s not right to pretend that working around a nerf in a mobile game is an indicator of supreme intellect. I’m glad you were so respectful and didn’t put words in my mouth, and attack me for zero reason, though. :roll_eyes:. Thanks!


I just wanted to say I agree with everything you said. Your initial post was in no way disrespectful. It sure as hell is just a game. Sure a player can put significant time and money into that game and it may mean more to them than that, but it is “just a game”. You can put it down anytime you want and move on. It’s not trying to be anymore than what it is. The player sets that high expectation, not the game itself.

This coming from someone who has played this game daily for two years and who started in 2015. I do view this as a just a game. I just view the community and the friends I’ve made as more than just a game. That’s the distinction i make.

@ButtStallion. Absolutely, the social aspect is very significant. I’ve been playing multiplayer games for almost a quarter of a century now. (Side note… wow… I literally just did the math and I feel ancient. Lol). Anyway it’s super cool to get into a game and be passionate about it and the direction it’s going. I’ve always felt games (even single player games) are very important.

I guess my original point when I said it’s just game was not meant to say don’t take the game seriously. Because you have to do that to a degree or why bother? It’s was meant to be more “don’t take your l33t sk1lz (sorry flashback to the 90s :rofl:) too seriously.

I’m a musician and one of my friends is a god-mode-good guitar player. Like mind blowing good. When we compliment him, it always ends with him saying “ya, I can play… but I’m not curing cancer!” Perspective is everything. Being good at games (whatever the game) is not automatically easy. So it’s perfectly cool to take some pride in being ahead of the curve, there. I do. I have a knack for games. I just get annoyed when people make it seem like a game is a test of intellect. For me it’s a test of being good at figuring out games. :woman_shrugging:

I’ve rambled too long. I hope I made some sense! I have to say as a side note that GoW is an excellent game. It has its faults. (Hello every game does) But it doesn’t require epic spends and is progressive, social and still fun.


It’s doable 100%. Did it myself on my alt.

I’ve made a fresh new account arround 181-190 days ago (atm it’s 181 days a GM of Guild he made in first few days of playing)- somewhere in June, and did this:

After finishing forest of thorns started to use: Golden Cog/Clockwork Sphinx/Rowanne
Rushed to Darkstone quest line to unlock Plaguelord. Set him up as hero.
Once unlocked EoE, continued to unlock kingdoms (but also tried to play both previous campaigns, guild events, pet rescuses, class events, AB’s and all that crap).
Once finished Sin of Maraj group i’ve unlocked Underworld. (see here: https://gemsofwar.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000316403-Kingdoms-Unlock-a-Kingdom-and-Kingdom-Quests )
At that point i was able to:
unlock Zaejin and go for Thief + SK (still missing Cederick)
unlock any released faction and go for it’s troops

Went for Beetrix, as i’ve managed to pille up ~300-400 shards from AB’s only, by that time and got her without even doing single run of delve. From that moment switched to:
EoE, Beetrix, Goblin Shaman, Medea
But after Emeprinazar release, swapped Medea for Emperinazara.

Currently, I’ve unlocked all kingdoms, but still didn’t bother to do quests in few kingdoms from last group.
Still missing most of classes (didn’t bother to unlock them, as i wanted to unlock as many kingdoms as possible to be able to do camapaign with that account).
Still haven’t got a Cederick, but already used a bunch of Vault keys…

So I stay with what i’ve said. SK is not an early game weapon :wink:, but EoE definately is… You pretty much get it by the time you unlock Soulforge, before you’ve unlocked Underworld.

Nope, you need to finish quest line in these kingdoms:
Wild Plains
Leonis Empire
Sin of Maraj

Once you get to this point you should have all content unlocked (assuming you’re in a guild).

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Sorry if I misunderstood. Hope we’re good. :slight_smile:

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Interesting. I don’t fully understand why this would work: my understanding was that you had to complete the quests in each group of Kingdoms before the next group unlocks. But I haven’t started a new character since the change kicked in.

Nonetheless, as someone else pointed out, the quest lines don’t really take terribly long to complete. :man_shrugging:

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Even more interesting: although requirement for unlocking underworld was changed, tutorial quest wasn’t changed, so you get “unlock underworld” quest complete after finishing quest line in sins of maraj, even though you wont be able to access underworld before you finish quests in all kingdoms from the group:

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