Which Raid Boss Tier did you go for?


Just went to 2. I donā€™t want to spend too many gems until I see what invasions and bounty are like and to see if I actually need extra battles on top of the free ones and the ones we get from the Valraven.

Thatā€™s 200 diamonds to craft, not gems (having the two look so much alike really was a brilliant idea xD). So, if you donā€™t want to spend gems, crafting it is a better option :slight_smile:

My simple advice

For newer players, invest some gems to get one copy of the godslayer troop, it will help you to win your three daily dungeons. After that do not spend anything on that mode.

For those who can win the three daily dungeons, do not spend anything on that mode.

It is a energy bar type of gameplay coupled with a gems sinkhole, that is then a pay to win.

For the others that want the new weapon, you have three options :

  1. Invest some more gems in that mode to get it (behind an energy bar, not worth it)
  2. Craft it in soulforge (behind an energy bar, too expensive, not worth it all)
  3. Buy it in glory bundle (not behind an energy bar, too expensive 1k glory but recuparable)

Maybe point 3) is just a ps4 offer. (feedback?)


The 1k glory pack weapon is totally different. And yes they are crazy with the price jump from 400 to 1000 glory.

Tier 2 and Iā€™m completely a free player using only the gems I earn from GW (which will really slow down now, and which was ~150 a week, so not huge either) and from other aspects. This weeks kick in the teeth is SEVEN HUNDRED kills in pvp, who the F*** thought that was a good idea???
Especially after LONG passing tier 1 in pvp today, and Iā€™m at ~220 stones gainedā€¦ AND NOT ONE SINGLE GOBLIN might I add, what a joke.

On the plus side, got the emporer in a chest, might even use him at some point. doubtful though.

Also this mode is EXCEPTIONALLY P2W, what lower ranked player (myself included at just under 200) has a SPARE 8-10K souls just ā€˜sitting aroundā€™ to try and max these troops that are useless after a week??? I truly have been lucky and have 3 mythics to rank, and 15-20 Legendaries that need the souls a hell of a lot more than some random troop whoā€™s needed this week.
Those other cards will be useful FOREVER in strong teams to do PVP, Explore, Challenges AND DUNGEONā€¦ donā€™t even get me started on trait stones. The strong teams I have (all 2 of them) have their FIRST trait ONLY. out of all my cards I own I think I double traited something JUST for the daily and that was a common card because the expense wasnt impacting my used cards.

I believe at Level 20 youā€™re still fighting minions rather than Zuulā€™goth. You only start earning ā€œdamageā€ when you start damaging Zuulā€™goth at ā€œlevel 25ā€.

Thanks, Iā€™ll fix that. That actually makes it even worse. Once you have established your holding pattern for what you use diamonds for, trying to get an ā€œextraā€ 200 diamonds is even more costly. Unless, of course, you happen to be ā€œdoneā€ with diamonds and have every single mythic plus enough of a buffer where youā€™d feel okay with spending diamonds on this sort of thing.

Either way, a random distribtion low numbers dual spawner that does like maybe 45 damage in a cast is the last thing you want to be using versus a 6-color using, 400 health having boss with an undrainable instakill spell. I really have no idea why these weapons exist in their current form other than the factor of ā€œquick, buy now!, it is harder to collect later and might not be hot garbage if we decide to buff it!ā€.

We do have some better rewards in the table though.
In the overall you are also gaining resources doing the battles. I figured that itā€™s quicker to simply do Casual PVP. I wasnā€™t interested in waiting for that silly PVP screen to show that i gained some score points so i opted out for Casual PVP. I wasmissing the 4 seals for playing Ranked Battles, but still had to play so many battles that reached 1500 seals the same way before completing the event.

I found it to be tiresome honestly, but not horrible because the amount of gems is good and we also get some gem keys thatā€™ll help in the next Mythic chase. And i believe that the explore event will be equally tiresome to some other players and they wonā€™t gain any glory and maybe not even a quarter of the gold they would gain by playing PVPā€¦

750 kills is 187 fights, not too bad as thatā€™s about my usual bit with raids now Iā€™m torn, lol.

So if I want to (1) get everything ā€œuniqueā€ and (2) get the most bang for the buck out of my gems, considering the other things to spend them on, how high do I go? Tier 3?

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Depend if you decide to craft weapon instead of buying it

Tier 2 if you have everything and are accumulating diamonds. It costs 250 gems, with those gems you buy 100 diamonds (not including sundays which have much better value), and it costs 200 diamonds to craft the weapon. Since Iā€™m missing a few troops, I bought the Tier 3 so I donā€™t have to craft it.

Have to correct my vote. I went to tier 4 in order to get shentang to six stars.
My guild closed portal 6 yesterday so I was lucky to get the Cedric guy in the Vault. Pretty good week so far but a whole waste of gems for stupid godslayer unit.
I would never go to more than Tier 3 in future raids.
Sorry devs, this was a bad decision

Edit: ah, Iā€™m in PC/Mobile here. Iā€™m playing on PS4

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I bought up to tier 7 (once).

Donā€™t have much use for gems, donā€™t have any use for the rewards either but Raid is a fun challenge.

Tier 2. See no reason whatsoever for myself to go any higher.
Only reason I went as far as 2 was to get Xiong Mao. I imagine the Godslayer troops will soon start at a higher tier to try and make players use even more gems.

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