Where are the new vault troops?

I see people try their luck with 500 or more vault keys and can’t get the 4 band gnomes. And this do happens, it is not a rare case. That this is even a possibility really scares me.

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I used 500 keys and I’m still missing 2 of the new gnomes. I’ve been playing this game for more than five years and at this point I only want to keep my collection complete. This is totally frustrating.


10 epic keys
30 vault keys

Got All Band members and 3 Emperor cards and 10 Cedric Douchebag. :joy:


What, all band members and 3 emperor cards out of 40 keys? You meant 300 vault keys?


You are the second person who asked me of I forgot a 0, but it is real. I saved the last epic keys from the palooza and never had more than 160 normal keys.

I think I had many luck, but the other rewards were trash.


wow, incredible then pewiha! :open_mouth:


450 VK + 44EVK

4 cindi
3 hoagi
3 freddi
1 The Sun
5 The Emperor
1 Heart of Rage

24 cedric
8 daemon gnome
9 glory gnome
12 jewel gnome
6 mecha
13 pet gnome
7 soul
7 treasure

No Baz

If cedric rate is high, I would expect the rate of the band gnomes in the middle of legendary and common gnomes.

Though, I didn’t get baz. I am still opposed to increase the band gnome rate. So what if I don’t have Baz, I won’t use it anyway. For sure I can get Baz in a year. I love the loots compared to these useless troops.


missing vault troop is annoying, i once missed mecha gnome for 3 or 4 months

Spent about 170 VK and some EVK, just got some existing Gnomes and The Emperor, but not new ones.

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Currently used 138 VK and 7 EVK.

0 new troops found so far.


OMG sorry to hear about it.

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Tbh I’d rather get the major orb, gem or diamond drop than these useless troops.

For reference though I had around 580 vault keys and around 40 epic vault keys and I got Cindi ×2, Fredi ×8 and Hoagi ×4 with no Baz.

Final tally of Gnome Acquisition 2021: 365 Vault Keys, 36 Epic Vault Keys.
VK 28 Cindi.
VK 51 Fredi.
VK 274 Hoagi.
VK 347 Baz.
VK 350 The Sun.
Also, 1 duplicate Emperor, 6 duplicate HOR & 36 duplicate Cedrics.


Good or bad?

The only one I really wanted/needed was The Sun. So getting it on key 350 was like a migraine going away.

The Moon will be added soon enough, so make sure u spend your days clever.

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@Hawx 100 Vault keys, pulled in sequence, max difficulty. No new gnomes, no tarot troops.

6 Diamonds, 120 Souls, Treasure Gnome, 120 Souls
24000 Gold, 4800 Gold, Glory Gnome, 120 Souls
24 Gems, 6 Gems, 18 Event Keys, 6 Gems
600 Souls, 120 Souls, Minor Orb (Growth), 4800 Gold
12000 Gold, 1 Gem Key, 72000 Gold, 2 Diamonds
2 Water, 12000 Gold, Major Orb (Growth), 2 Magic
2 Water, 7200 Gold, 120 Gems, 6 Gems
120 Souls, 3000 Gold, 24 Gem Keys, 6 Gems
120 Souls, 4800 Gold, Minor Orb (Clans), 4800 Gold
4800 Gold, 3 Celestial, 24 Gem Keys, 3000 Gold

4800 Gold, 6 Gems, Minor Orb (Growth), 1 Gem Key
3000 Gold, 1 Gem Key, Minor Orb (Ascension), 2 Diamonds
120 Souls, 24 Gems, Minor Orb (Growth), 4800 Gold
24 Gems, 120 Souls, Treasure Gnome, 2 Water
2 Air, 2 Fire, 120 Gems, 2 Diamonds
7200 Gold, 120 Souls, 60 Diamonds, 120 Souls
6 Gems, 2 Magic, Major Orb (Growth), 120 Souls
1 Event Keys, 120 Souls, 72000 Gold, 120 Souls
5 Gem Keys, 4800 Gold, 72000 Gold, 3000 Gold
6 Gems, 36000 Gold, Major Orb (Growth), 3000 Gold

4800 Gold, 120 Souls, Treasure Gnome, 2 Diamonds
120 Souls, 4800 Gold, Cedric, 6 Gems
2 Fire, 120 Souls, Soul Gnome, 24000 Gold
120 Souls, 7200 Gold, 120 Gems, 6 Gems
3000 Gold, 3000 Gold, Pet Gnome, 2 Nature
2 Earth, 6 Gems, 24 Gem Keys, 5 Gem Keys
3000 Gold, 6 Gems, Mecha Gnome, 1 Event Key
120 Souls, 5 Gem Keys, 3000 Souls, 1 Event Key
2 Magic, 2000 Gold, Major Orb (Growth), 7200 Gold
2 Fire, 4800 Gold, 72000 Gold, 3000 Gold

5 Gem Keys, 3000 Gold, Minor Orb (Wisdom), 120 Souls
2 Magic, 4800 Gold, Minor Orb (Wisdom), 7200 Gold
1 Gem Key, 5 Gem Keys, Minor Orb (Growth), 4 Event Keys
2 Magic, 3000 Gold, Cedric, 6 Diamonds
600 Souls, 2 Nature, Minor Orb (Wisdom), 120 Souls
4800 Gold, 600 Souls, Treasure Gnome, 1 Gem Key
2 Magic, 2 Fire, Treasure Gnome, 3000 Gold
2 Diamonds, 120 Souls, Glory Gnome, 120 Souls
4800 Gold, 3000 Gold, Major Orb (Wisdom), 4 Event Keys
4800 Gold, 4800 Gold, Cedric, 7200 Gold

4800 Gold, 6 Gems, 18 Event Keys, 5 Gem Keys
2 Fire, 4Event Keys, Minor Orb (Wisdom), 2 Diamonds
120 Souls, 120 Souls, Minor Orb (Growth), 120 Souls
120 Souls, 6 Gems, Minor Orb (Wisdom), 3000 Gold
3000 Gold, 120 Souls, Treasure Gnome, 120 Souls
2 Diamonds, 4800 Gold, Minor Orb (Growth), 7200 Gold
120 Souls, 3000 Gold, Minor Orb (Wisdom), 6 Gems
6 Gems, 60000 Gold, 72000 Gold, 2 Earth
3000 Gold, 2 Earth, Cedric, 1 Event Key
2 Water, 2 Diamonds, Minor Orb (Clans), 2 Fire

2 Earth, 4800 Gold, Major Orb (Wisdom), 2 Earth
2 Diamonds, 3 Celestial, Minor Orb (Clans), 1 Event Key
5 Gem Keys, 7200 Gold, Major Orb (Wisdom), 1 Gem Key
4800 Gold, 2 Magic, Major Orb (Wisdom), 6 Gems
6 Gems, 120 Souls, Glory Gnome, 2 Water
2 Water, 1 Event Key, 18 Event Keys, 3000 Gold
3000 Gold, 6 Gems, Minor Orb (Wisdom), 3000 Gold
7200 Gold, 2 Earth, Cedric, 6 Gems
2 Fire, 120 Souls, 72000 Gold, 24 Gems
3000 Gold, 3000 Gold, Minor Orb (Clans), 3000 Gold

5 Gem Keys, 6 Gems, Minor Orb (Ascension), 2 Nature
24 Gems, 1 Gem Key, 18 Event Keys, 1 Gem Key
2 Earth, 1 Gem Key, 72000 Gold, 120 Souls
6 Gems, 2 Water, Treasure Gnome, 3000 Gold
6 Gems, 12000 Gold, Cedric, 12000 Gold
6 Gems, 12000 Gold, Glory Gnome, 1 Gem Key
6 Gems, 6 Gems, 72000 Gold, 3000 Gold
3000 Gold, 2 Magic, 60 Diamonds, 1 Event Key
1 Gem Key, 3000 Gold, Major Orb (Ascension), 120 Souls
120 Souls, 120 Souls, Minor Orb (Ascension), 4800 Gold

3000 Gold, 120 Souls, DG, 3000 Gold
24 Gems, 6 Gems, Cedric, 3000 Gold
2 Earth, 120 Souls, 72000 Gold, 6 Diamonds
6 Gems, 3000 Gold, 24 Gemsem Keys, 3000 Gold
2 Nature, 1 Gem Key, 60 Diamonds, 1 Gem Key
4 Event Keys, 4800 Gold, Mecha Gnome, 4800 Gold
6 Gems, 24 Gems, Glory Gnome, 5 Gem Keys
120 Souls, 3000 Gold, Glory Gnome, 2 Earth
3000 Gold, 2 Fire, Major Orb (Wisdom), 4800 Gold
6 Diamonds, 4800 Gold, Minor Orb (Growth), 6 Gems

120 Souls, 3000 Gold, Valraven, 24000 Gold
3000 Gold, 1 Gem Key, 72000 Gold, 2 Fire
1 Gem Key, 24000 Gold, 60 Diamonds, 2 Water
6 Gems, 5 Gem Keys, Cedric, 7200 Gold
4800 Gold, 4800 Gold, Cedric, 1Gem Keys
6 Gems, 600 Souls, 72000 Gold, 6 Diamonds
6 Gems, 1 Event Key, Cedric, 2 Diamonds
120 Souls, 3000 Gold, 120 Gems, 1 Event Key
120 Souls, 4800 Gold, Minor Orb (Clans), 120 Souls
3000 Gold, 6 Gems, 60 Diamonds, 7200 Gold

3000 Gold, 4800 Gold, Minor Orb (Growth), Vault Key
2 Diamonds, 24000 Gold, Minor Orb (Wisdom), 4800 Gold
6 Diamonds, 3000 Gold, Major Orb (Clans), 3000 Gold
3000 Gold, 1 Event Key, 120 Gems, 1 Event Key
2 Diamonds, 6 Gems, 72000 Gold, 1 Gem Key
4800 Gold, 600 Souls, Major Orb (Clans), 1 Gem Key
120 Souls, 3000 Gold, 60 Diamonds, 24 Gems
3000 Gold, 600 Souls, Major Orb (Wisdom), 4800 Gold
6 Gems, 3000 Gold, Major Orb (Growth), 1 Gem Key
2 Water, 120 Souls, Treasure Gnome, 7200 Gold


Oh dang. That looks hurtful.

The one that got me 120 Souls, 120 Souls, Minor Orb of Growth, 120 Souls should really have triggered some kind of achievement. :unamused:


0 campaign troops either out of 100 vault keys, it haunts me. I am waiting another 5 weeks to see if I am able to get The Moon.

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