When do you kick members out of a guild? (Xbox One)

That is complicated, maybe level up a few times and invest into each mana equally?

Its just an advice to focus on one particular mana each time your hero levels.Do it ten times and you’ll complete that task and receive 2000 gold. Likely to unlock a weapon as well.

I agree with Smuggler007. As you continue to play and level up your hero, just focus on one mana type (red/blue/green…etc) until you reach 10. The task will unlock once one of your mana types hit 10.

First time on the forums, really… but I do not know how to send you a personal message, but I am constanty on Gems of War and looking for a guild to join that can help out with questions I dont know. I have my own guild but the fellow members very rarely get on. I am doing most of the contributing and all the other stuff with my gulld. If you ever wanna look me up

Sorry, I misread your post. I thought you were looking for a new guild. If you are we are a team of 2 guilds, one of which is third place. Let me know if you are interested. We also have a facebook group where we can answer any questions.


Hey are you still looking for a guild? We have been hopping up the ranks and are currently 103 (only 106 trophies behind 100)

are you still recruiting?

Ps4 Botanist club gm here, after 1.5 year i consider it but only if it was a non contributor, high contributers i keep inac as trophies lol, incase they do return…They will appreciate it.