What's your least favorite troop to fight against?

Psion as OP said lol

Seriously? You do know there are troops that can counter psion? This obviously applies to all troops having counters. Just one suggestion is dust devil if psion is in first slot, problem solved for yellow and brown days of guild wars. Not even trying just because of one troop? I’ve read it all now.


yes i do know. everything has a way to play against. i just choose not to bother with psion. i’m a lazy person.

Dust Devil is a counter to Psion, but it weakens you completely.
It’s basically going into a battle with three troops just so you don’t get skull sapped.

Using a throwaway troop just to stop Psion’s trait is a terrible idea.
Khopeshi is another that can counter Psion, but it’s just another throwaway troop.

You can use Leviathan, though. I’ve done that before and Leviathan isn’t that bad of a troop.

Some troops work, no doubt about it. I used Rock Troll today to simply stun Psion.
Point was, some troops being suggested as counters, hinder you more than they help. I think that’s another reason why many people hate fighting Psion.

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I think it’s a big difference what exactly you counter, though - I personally have fewer problems with Psion’s trait and a million problems with how quickly he fills as my first troop is usually the main damage sponge and not critical for the damage dealers.

For me, fighting Psion with anyone but Khorvash in front usually results in a loss. If my Khorvash can fill faster, Psion is usually dead, but not because of the stun (though that’s nice, of course) but because he starts at zero again.

The subject to this thread was, “What’s your least favorite troop to fight against” not is there a troop you can’t win against. The statement that “there is a counter” to that troop is obvious and wasn’t the question. Of course, there is a counter or a way to win against any troop in the game but again that wasn’t the question. Just saying…


Sylvanimora works great too. Except for those times it magically untangles itself just in time to match skulls when my first slot is ready to cast. I use it pretty much all the time in pvp though and it is extremely effective. Psion is high on my list of hated troops. Mostly cuz of its placement and the combination of the team it’s in i’m just sick of fighting that same team all the time. I hate goblins the most. They don’t stay frozen long enough, so matches turn into a spectator sport. They infuriate me.

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Although I’m on consoles, Mab, Famine, and Spirit Fox are my worst enemies!

I really don’t have a problem with Psion. My personal strategy is to put my hero (with 40% skull reduction trait) in the first slot solely to soak up damage. Because that’s all the ai does when controlling the defense. If there are no 4 or 5 matches, it will go right for skull matches…heck, 90% of the time, it will choose skull damage over using magic, even if magic does more damage. So i just let defenses do all the skull damage it wants while i gather mana.

Except when famine is ready to cast. The ai with forsake any matches on the board, both skulls 4 and 5 gem matches. Famine is priority #1 over any other spells its team is ready to cast too, at least in my experience. Only upside to this is at least i’m sometimes left with a 4 or 5 match to get the ball rolling again. But there are times when it goes off 2 more times before i can get one in, and those are maddening. Those are mainly when it’s with ragnagord and infernus, again it’s a case of the combination i dread, alone they’re not too bad, and without famine’s third trait or infernus’ second they’re a walk in the park at this point lol

I beat up on everything so I guess i’m the wrong person to ask :slight_smile:

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Goblins are easy, just use 4x gobchompers

I absolutely hate psion. Psion/ragnarord/famine/death is an annoying team that I’m constantly seeing lately. Psion almost guaranty to drain top troop and ragnarord almost instantly fills famine on one cast. I’m sick of this team I see it just as much as the kraken teams now.

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All of these are good and deserving IMO. I personally hate Queen Mab so much if she was removed from the game I’d throw a parade. Honourable mention to the usual grief troops like Psion, Famine etc but they can’t hold a candle to the terror of Mab that has been going on since I started playing this game.

You must be super-happy about the next Mythic (who summons Mab with her spell just like Abynissia summons Infernal King) then…

Dear God, this is going to spark some PTSD level flashbacks.

Yeah if that new mythic becomes wide spread I think my game time as far as PvP goes will be cut down to 1% it’s already at 2% since the new animations are causing seizures in anyone unfortunate enough to glance at it as they walk by (pets, kids, my wife they all have fallen victim the new star wars GoW “death to your eyes” program)

I do dungeons and GW now and nothing more. I thankfully have enough gold saved to donate for one more week to my guild. If no hotfix is applied by then and I have to leave my guild… might as well quit then. I cannot stand the fireworks, either. But yeah, Skadi is shaping up to be absolutely obnoxious if that spell really goes through that way. It’s ridiculous - Mab is so overused anyway and people complain all the time about her (while using her themselves), so even heightening that is… well, just as much of a questionable choice as the fireworks are.

That said, I only do PVP until reaching Tier 1 (and hate it every single week). I find PVP not relaxing, as I need to really focus to win since the opponents have, of course, high stats. I prefer explore with its crappy team compositions and - on Warlord II - weak stats by far; it’s just a nice way to end a day while zoning out. Not that that’s possible anymore when each move gives you eyecancer…

To return to topic: In explore, where team compositions suck and all that matters is speed, the most obnoxious troops are summoning troops who summon upon death since that summoning cannot be prevented and prolongs the battle (Drake Rider, I’m looking at you). Thankfully, mythics don’t get their Mana full enough in most cases.

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