What's the most you won in invasion?

Yeah it was quite strange, level 830 but first time I had noticed the name. Fought the same person hours later today but only rewarded a quarter of the amount

You guys must have stolen all of Krammaster’s gold :weary:




that’s more like what I normally see on Krammaster

I guess. I have a new record against @MrSammy


I guess I can’t compete here without VIP bonuses :frowning:

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Here was the topic I couldnt find…

vs @MrSammy


Another Sammy Surplus. :moneybag:


Do you have VIP10 ?

I do indeed.

It seems the Pot is pretty exploited :disappointed_relieved:
This is not CashCow-friendly! :sweat::stuck_out_tongue:

Well… I will waiting for the right opportunity :sunglasses::punch:

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blame Dhjl he took it all :slight_smile:

congratulations. You are the leader :slight_smile:

Too bad I don’t have any skills. :wink:

Why am I worth so much?

I do collect my gold you know… I wish I collected as much from you @dhjl

Maybe it’s because I’m only VIP9.

Roger that! :sunglasses:
It seems I have a new Record…:hatched_chick:

Big thanks to @MrSammy :grinning:
Please enjoy your vacation so long as possible… :stuck_out_tongue::wink:

The following is rated R.

I’m having a blast! The Infernal King joined me and Succubus last night! It was a devil’s threesome to remember! He’s so “horny”!


another @MrSammy thanks for your vacations

take home was 10.2k I didn’t share pic as I don’t want to share my team and don’t know how to crop it out :slight_smile:

It’s not the biggest pot on this thread but it’s the most that I have won in a long time. Opponent was ‘Krammaster’.

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Is there a certain time of the day to get these sums? Because whenever i get any of the gold heavyweights mentioned in this thread, they are worth around a 1000 gold(before bonuses), sometimes less.
Not complaining, that is still a good sum in my book and i have to click a lot of “try another” for these kind of rewards, just wondering why i never get the 3000-ish gold ones.

I can only speak for myself. Indeed, there are times when I have conspicuously more lucky than at other times in terms of the sums. In most cases 4:00-6:00 am Central European Time.