What percentage of time to do you wish the devs spent focused on banning cheaters from GoW?

How is this not a call-out? @Saltypatra

What guild exactly am I calling out?

Because you can’t flag posts anymore you’re now going to make accusations of publicly and tag devs to get attention?

Oh please. You’ve given enough information that anyone who cared to could figure it out. I know exactly who you’re referring to. But dont worry, it’s all for show. We both know that the devs wont punish you in any way for not adhering to the community guidelines. I mean, vip12 and all lol

Ok well here we go again lol. Awryan doesnt like sassy so welcome to flag city!

Predicting that a post is going to get flagged 100% due to you violating the community guidelines that you found yourself compelled to tag a Dev about another player allegedly violating is not impressive.

Me not liking you shouldn’t dictate your actions and therefore has zero influence on you violating the community guidelines.
If you’re trying to get me to sink to your level and have my regular status removed as well then you’re going to fail. I’m way better than that.
I wish you a good day and a better life. But if you can’t figure out who the guild is that I suspect of wrong doing. Then we really have nothing else to discuss because it’s basically off topic at that point. :man_shrugging:

Easy prediction old sport. 5 guilds worth of lackeys who will flag at your will makes it a sure thing lol.

I would absolutely love for you to point at precisely where my violation lies. But I’m sure you wont since I made no violations. I already pointed out yours so…

Uh, I doesn’t. What a ridiculous thing to say.

My level? What exactly is “my level”? Please elaborate.

We already know that wont happen. We went over this already. Vip12. Remember?

Glad you think so.

Again, I thought we covered this. I already said I know exactly who you are referring to. Did you misplace your glasses or are you just a poor reader?

And god forbid @awryan goes off topic. That never happens :joy:

But all that said, I will leave you here for @Saltypatra to sort out. I’m sure she will be fair and unbiased. :joy:

This thread has run its course.