What is the most OP Rowanne deck?

I don’t think two extra armor balances out the chance of lethal damage and 8 free mana. But if the hero isn’t traited then Priest is probably a better choice than Archer, yeah.

Edit: if you have Air Link then your priest is traited. I think I take Fast over Air Link and the armor, since that’s one or two fewer matches Mercy needs to make setting up the whole loop.

I have both classes fully traited, but I would still prefer gorgotha up front so he can refill himself first (and feed mercy/rowanne) as well as absorbing any skull damage. I guess it is a matter of style, I only cast mercy once and let gorgotha cycle to refill himself and fill rowanne and cog. Going the other way you’d focus on Mercy casts to fill cog.


I enjoy watching Tacet’s team on youtube using Rowanne that looks very powerful and easy.

I prefer use this
Red/yellow banner
Golden cog
Priest class
Even golden cog block priestess mana, the alche will fix it. And my hero will tank most damage. Cast twice on priestess then golden cog then team wipe from rowanne.

I’m playing with the following build:

Golden Cog (double rowanne armour)
Clockwork Sphinx (for gem destroy and boosted team armor)
Acolyte (traited bonus brown gem mana for Sphinx) - you could replace this with cockatrice, or many others really…

Sphinx does really well, she gives all allies armour boosted by gems destroyed of a colour you choose - these destroyed gems can feed either your cog / rowanne / or several sphinx skills before using cog. Having a banner built around Sphinx you can easily fill her up in two gem swaps, and if there’s enough purp/brown gems you can set her off a few times all while gaining full team armour, once you’re read pop Cog on Rowanne and you’ve got an easy team KO.

You can hit 100+ armour in a few turns, works great.

Also just noticed this is two years old…

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You should try and place Settite Warrior in last for extra DMG, if needed.