What is the definition of "end game"?

To me, end game is the point where I have every troop I need to be successful at guild wars, where I feel like I will win every day, and most of all, the biggest pleasure I get from the game is helping my guild mates becomes as successful as I have. The Power Gems has a lot of home grown talent, and now I play so I can help others learn to love and enjoy the game like I do.

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Helping our newer guild mates feel the way we do about the game is the best reward I can think of. Well maybe 1500 gems wouldn’t be that bad :slight_smile:


I would agree with this. When you realize you’re trainsitioning from scaling a metaphorical Everest to easily walking a gentler slope is where I’d suggest that you’ve reached the end game.

End game can mean something different to everyone, which is why I don’t think there will ever be a consensus or specific definition.

I consider myself as having reached the end game. I’m just shy of level 1100, I am only missing 10 troops in the entire game (technically 9 since I’ll have Sunbird as soon as I figure out how many Arcanes I need to buy with Glory), and I easily exceed guild requirements without having to work very hard at it. The only upward progress left for me is either grinding out even more gold/pvp per week or grinding tens of thousands of explores to trait everything I haven’t traited.

I suppose another arbitrary mark of having reached the end game is when your pvp teams are powerful enough that your gold rewards for beating 3-trophy opponents start to decrease. I really wish they’d do something to compensate for that. :frowning:


I would say the definition is different for everyone. Over level 1000 and only missing 4 base mythics.I will not consider myself “end game” until I get them all.

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when dragon soul damage didn’t have much impact as it used to. when you need stat booster or boosted by something troop to have the same excitement as before the end game.