What is the definition of "end game"?

I’m level 56 and consider myself end game. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


As in “Salty, end game and get back to work”? :wink:


Just in case anyone forgets that you have Queen Mab and Khorvash before level 50. :slight_smile: I can see how that would feel “end game!”

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I didn’t pull Famine at level 30. I don’t know what you’re talking about.



You have the unlimited supplies cheat code, we all know :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:


rng sama

I am the RNG.

(In all seriousness, I do open chests like everyone else. I did get hideously lucky early game.)


Soul Wall
Every troop traited
Own every troop
Can fully trait and level any card or kingdom on release day.
Was gonna put level 1000 but that means stuff all these days.

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But you also hit the “add 50,000 Vip keys, 50,000 Glory, and Gem keys” :wink:

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In my opinion that’s almost “post-game,” as in, “nothing left to do but wait around for patches, collect guild brownie points, and stockpile resources so I can immediately buy the next thing.” It’d be like defining the “end-game” of an MMO as “already downed the hardest raid.”


Yeah most of my games I own I’m in that position you just described.
Monday new troop day and new Mythics keep me playing.

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So to throw a curve, I felt like I hit “end-game” when there was no more strategy left.
I have Gard team, and I throw it at anything that comes my way to make sure that I am knocking out guild reqs. There was a distinct shift in my play at that point and I think a change in the very nature of the game for me.

That’s where community involvement, forum friendships, and guild loyalty all became HUGE factors in my retention.


I’d define ‘end game’ as the point at which your gameplay experience settles into the long term fixed pattern… so when you have many troops levelled, some ascended, many teams set up, all initial tasks done and cities levelled to 10… and when your experience, in terms of the activities you do and moreover the opponents you face, stabilises towards the stable state where we all end… this is transitional and not black and white, differs for each player… anyone over lv1000 certainly is there… I’d say I was there by level 500+ and so on…


Not your wonderful guild death? Shame on you!

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End game:
Couple of months+ in a top guild with conversation channels
Playing only guild wars and usual pvp
Have a bunch of tier 1 teams for any occasion
Knowing that team set will be especially cancerous then event comes in (not very actual since 25%->10%)

Ok then… Define “top guild”

Once a player has fully Ascended, Leveled, and Traited ‘Dokkalfar’ they are at end game as they obviously have resources to burn. :wink:


Oh lol come on it has merit :stuck_out_tongue:

I have some administrative problems with my employees right now. Full with anger. But this coment on Dokkalfar. Holy smokes haha

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In that case, @killerman3333 was at endgame at level 20.