What do you LIKE about 3.2?

i like it that now gw enemies are clickable directly - so it allows ppl to no longer “missclick” into starting the battle without deciding what team to take !
i hope it is not a bug. helps a lot

and i also like that (on pc) the “skip” and “close” buttons, while mass opening chests, can be instantly clicked which makes mass chest open very fast. (if you dont missclick into another chest type tab afterwards)
Please dont “fix it”
it prevents from actually seeing the loot at all, but its not a big deal since that loot page was unreadable anyway
to bad mobile loading times are a bit too slow to make this happen too, id like it on mobile too

I didn’t know this was possible. Thanks! Last night I accidentally took in my soul farming team into my first Yellow day GW match. You can probably guess how many yellow troops are on my soul farming team…

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Ok, so it’s grown on me. On my phone, it’s actually starting to look good! It’s sleek, feels less heavy than the old UI somehow. I was doing a bunch of quick explores over the weekend and it felt like it was working faster than it used to, especially the after battle screen.

On the PC, not so much. It was clearly designed for a small screen, I’m hoping you’ll get a chance to update it to make better use of the screen space available on a PC :wink:

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