What are you willing to pay money for?

On PC/Mobile, if you win arena, you can buy the three troops that you played with at their max base rarity level for gems. I believe the gem price represents the difference of souls needed to reach those levels from the cards you already own.


Ah… if you WIN. This would be why I didn’t know this… haven’t actually cleared the Arena before, I usually lose around match 4-5 :stuck_out_tongue:

Not sure you need to win for the buy option. Look at the finish screen, it shall show the 3 troops you picked and gem price on the button. Though as the gem->soul rate is FU the buy is not feasible unless you laready have the troop and over the current arena level. At some time then you could have bought another copy for a single gem, probably that got upped since.

That finish screen does not show unless you win at least a few matches.

I believe it used to be 5 - but was recently increased to 6? Point is, you won’t see it if you don’t win much.

I have spent some money on the game. Early on gem packs, later DK armor and the Daily gems. I won’t buy the $50 packs, I don’t see the value. I would pay for some visual mods and boosts for resources. What about letting players sell their troops and keeping a percentage of the profit? I understand people might not want to go that route for security reasons though. Maybe a fee to trade with other players instead? Maybe new pieces of armor or jewelry that increases XP, souls, gold, or something with maps (an extra turn perhaps), a permanent traitstone boost (double stones, etc.)

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I think simply adding alternative troop/hero art to existing money packs and possibly creating alt art packs for specific kingdoms or troop types and selling them from time to time would work really well. In my experience this game has a lot of very dedicated players who are willing to support the game, the problem is there just isnt much of anything in the shop that isnt equal to a few hours or days of farming. This isnt something dedicated players really want nor would get much of a return off of. Adding something special like alt art gives us something neat without any p2w elements being introduced.

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If i buy a plushi of tyri then can i also get a code on her tag that gives maps?

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Couldn’t have said it better myself. Whole heartedly agree.

Things players might want to spend real money on:

  • Donation, you get double VIP points as thank you.

Things players might want to spend gems on:

  • Troop refund, like the one offered after nerfs, just for any troop.
  • Rent-A-Troop, unlock at full potential for a limited time. Could also get offered for free for event troops (like Runesmith).
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When I began, I paid for the Dragon Armor, because I knew it would let me play as much as I wanted. That was back when battles cost gold, and you had to be careful as a beginner.

Now, even though I hate it, I have found I will pay for the occasional Arcane Traitstones or Runic Traitstones. I just have too much else I enjoy in life, and too much work, to spend hours and hours farming.


I bought in on the DK armor, and it was luck that I did, as I had only started the game. I’ve since only purchased daily subs. I’m down to only buying the daily gems now, as the others are simply overpriced. There isn’t an incentive to purchase from the shop right now, and that is sad. I would love to do more to support the game and devs, but not at these prices. $50 isn’t a price point that I would shy away from, but it needs to come with much more compelling items for me to make the purchase. $50 is a AAA title with hours of gameplay, I couldn’t see getting near that value from a purchase other than the DK armor now.

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I bought the DK armor when it came out and luckily it was the day I started on pc too lol. I completely agree with having more options and $50 isn’t a bad price point, but it should be loaded with goodies.

I think one of the big problems with the economy is that they basically can’t afford to price the Gold and Souls low enough that players would spend $$$ on them. The Daily Gold and Daily Souls are both fantastic deals relative to the alternatives, but they still pale in comparison to how quickly you can gain those currencies through regular play. They’d have to offer absurd amounts for people to bite on these, and doing so would break the economy in other ways. The best option would be for them to nerf the PvP payouts (total Gold and the Souls cap) but obviously that would piss everyone off.

I suspect they just keep things where they are b/c they still get people buying them occasionally when they want to complete something right-this-second and there really isn’t a good alternative, so it just ends up being a small fraction of their total revenue.

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How about adding something like “Unlimited Treasure Maps” for X amount of hours for X money.

Or how about Rent a legendary… X Money for 30 days usage of fully traited legendary

I think people might be more apt to do something like this.

I spent money in the beginning because I had loved the previous games from these developers, and wanted to support them. I later found out how bad the deal was that I purchased and wished there was better values for my $. I do not regret supporting the dev’s, I am a dev as well and people have supported me in the past. I do think the dev’s need to evaluate what they offer and the cost for an average person and not just whales.

I don’t know their accounting or finances, but reducing prices shouldn’t break the economy. If anything lowering prices and making more attractive bundles would stimulate it. I might actually buy a bundle at $30, but I would almost never buy one at $50.


Exactly this.

I think more people can spend $15 or even $30 in some cases without feeling they are over spending on a game commodity. But, once you hit $50, you start thinking: I can buy a whole AAA for that money. I can buy even more of the average games on Steam for that. That’s my thought process anyway.


My point wasn’t that they should offer lower price points, it was that increasing the value of the Gold or Souls bundles would break the economy. One example:

The 30k Gold bundle costs 240 Gems. That’s $20. But I can grind for 30k in 15-20 PvP battles in like 30-60 min. Why on earth would I spend $20 for what I can accomplish in an hour? In order for that to be really attractive, it would need to be WAY more Gold. I don’t even know how much, but definitely 150k+.

If they were to offer 150k+ Gold for $20, it would mean folks could max out Kingdoms very quickly, and thus would kill a lot of the longer-term retention. And still folks wouldn’t buy it much since Gold doesn’t get you the Traitstones or Legendaries. So the ROI on making it way more attractive just doesn’t seem there to me.


How long do you think it takes the average player to grind 30,000 Gold? To most players under level 100, that would take a day or two to grind.

Wow this has turned out to be quite the awesome thread. Glad to see so many people have ideas and passion for the game. Let’s sum up some of the ideas I think most would agree “COULD” happen and people would pay for:

-Alternate art on cards.
-More customization options for hero character. (race,hair,armor,art,etc.)
-Potions or something that gives you certain buffs for a few hours.(glory,souls,gold,xp,traitstones)
-Making traitstones cheaper and or swapping the colored traitstones out more so people that need a certain color can get them.
-More and better armor sets.
-Overall just make the deals being sold in shop more appealing to buy for the hardcore players.
-Plush toys or something collectible IRL.
-Adding more uses or better uses of gems.
-Some kind of economy within the game that let’s us either sell or trade back troops we don’t want.

If I missed your idea this in no way means it was bad, but I feel like this list thus far sums up the overall feel of what people want the most. There have been a LOT of great ideas here that I definitely couldn’t have come up with alone. Let’s keep them coming!

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Yeah, that’s true, in which case it wouldn’t need to be quite so high, but I also assume Gold is of less interest at lower levels since you’re more focused on filling out your troop roster (especially via Gem Chests).