Weekly Event: Fortissmo

On a related note, please give Adana some love. It has been sitting at seven troops since forever. Rarity doesn’t matter. I’ve been playing since the Steam launch and have watched every other kingdom the game get augmented, except for my own. :frowning:

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Weeeee. You definitely know, how to make my day. Best news ever.

I…I love you. :revolving_hearts:

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Part of the reason Adana didn’t get another troop was we were trying after Tankbot 2000 to decide what would be the best troop to put there (At the time we could only do 8 troops; so this need more consideration). With recent changes to the number of troops we can add to a kingdom (Gob-chomper being Broken Spires 9th Troop), we can now be a bit more flexible with troop design.

So the short answer is there is an Adana troop in the works. No ETA on exactly when it well be released in game though.


How about a Gundam? :grinning:
With a new Trait: Pilot-able: If the Hero is in the team, Hero gains +X buff to armor and attack at start of battle.

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Now, this sounds interesting. Will those low-rarity troops also make an appearance in the arena? Or are they going to be handled like the Goblin Rocket?

I actually love Weapons and I’m always excited when there’s a new one released, especially a great, two-color one like Crescendo! I can understand some people would be disappointed when the new item is a Weapon if they don’t care for the Arena, but please don’t forget us Arena fanatics and our unquenchable thirst for Weapons! =)

Alright, this actually makes up for the lack of new Weapons for a few months, since these will be new troops for the Arena! :sunglasses:

Even though I’ve just double-checked and I’m happy to confirm that I now own all 124 Weapons in existence (:heart_eyes:!), I’m fully supportive of this news, for those who are missing out on some past ones, especially fantastic stuff like the Staff of Madness. Having missed out on Sun & Moon for what felt like a million years before it was made available again, I can definitely relate. =)

Edit: On a related note, I hope the practical Weapons menu will be added to the Arena in 1.0.9 (or soon-ish). I didn’t realize there were that many before actually counting them today, but no wonder it’s so hard to find the one I’m looking for in the current unsorted, unsearchable interface. ^^

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perfect, announce the weapon as 9 true damage, then switch to 6 true damage saying that now was right, I thought, okay, 6 with +2 magic that I had been 8 true damage, alas when I see later is 5 true damage, already counting on my 2 bonus magic kingdom for having two to level 10, and arena mode is only 4 true damage

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I am only speculating, but I believe the weapon is likely balanced around the coming hero update. I agree that I was annoyed buying it saying 9 true damage, and then have it drop to a level where I won’t play it. Realistically, I would have bought it anyway because I’m a collector.

Experienced players should have seen that first screenshot and figured it had to be a typo…

It looked pretty god. Finally something in line with making the hero worth considering. Then turns out it’s 5 area TD for 14 and gets 1 more every 2 activations? While little better than the old obsolete weapons still pretty far from being considerable.

And it is planned for further nerf on the update?

It did look pretty Godlike!

To be fair, I’d still use it in the arena rather than any of the other AoE weapons.
True damage AoE? Self-gathering magic? Possible extra turn? How about, umm… Yes!

It gains 1 magic per cast. Having it deal 9 dmage at start with 1 magic gain it would kill every team in 3 casts at most. If you build around it there is no way anyone couldn’t get 3 casts and then you would with certainty win every game. This way you at least need to cast it decent number of times :slight_smile:

Once the two magic kingdoms are maxed, it will do 8 damage (cos im lvl 500+)
but meh lots of other stuff is changing soon anyway.

having those 4 magic must feel great!

This makes me wish i could use my hero 4 times over just with different non repeating weapons.
Team line up Hero, hero, hero, hero. with 4 different weapons

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