Weekly Event: Feast of Fools

I pretty much agree with @azlath here. The problem with goblin teams being so prolific is that they are cheap enough for most players to be able to field them, which isn’t really a problem. It’s a good thing that there is a decent cheap team anyone can get and use. The problem is that there is +A+ decent cheap team that anyone can get and use.

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I would actually like to see less Epic troops. They’re wrecking the numbers … they used to be slightly more numerous than legendaries, now they’re all over the place. Meanwhile we can’t actually do anything with their traits for obvious reasons. Ultras are nowhere near as plentiful.

Also, while throwing a kingdom like Khaziel or Sword’s Edge another Epic would be nice, I don’t really want to see Pridelands end up with four Epics before it gains something else. Or Pan’s Vale, or any of the others that are on three already.

Ultras not good enough anymore? Not even going to touch Rares? Seeing as kingdoms are no longer bound to eight troops, less limits means more troops… do a double troop event maybe…

Even though its an argument in many other threads… Coming back to traitstones, Epics are one of the main factors driving the screwed up ratios in that system. Because they need more Runics and Arcanes than Majors, and we get more Epics than almost anything else at the moment (and Legendaries are in the same spot but with fewer. So we are steadily gaining more and more things that cause us to run out of everything besides Majors. I personally am sitting on 150-200 of each Major Traitstone that I largely can’t use due to every other tier being depleted.

And then ironically Epics are the last things we can get to Mythic.


Well since you can easily get commons, rares and ultras by paying 1000 gold (which is nothing late game) and 1 gem (also nothing) from the arena… then only epics and legendaries become difficult. Not only they have very low drop rates in chests, but also require high amount of arcane traitstones to max out… So releasing only epics doesnt really help anyone at this point.

Also agree with the traitstones… Majors are just so easy to come by. At least minors are farmable when you go replay challenges, but runics and especially arcanes are just super rare.

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That’s what I did.

I’m not even worried about power 5 kingdoms; that’s a pie in the sky dream for me. But +1 yellow gorgotha is beautiful.


I think we have almost as much epics as rares.

I like the Gob-Chomper. I don’t think I’ll need him for Goblins (Orion can do that just fine), but he is a perfect choice for farming traitstones in Zaejin and Grosh-Nak.

Is the weekly rotation troop - weapon - troop - weapon … and so on?

Me too, just got Broken Spire onto 5 stars!

Yes, currently…

Hey no picking on the devs! But at least I’m worth shinies :sunglasses:

Yep, I have that too. No spoils this week I guess!

Oops! Fixed!
The official explanation is that Gob-Chomper was so busy eating Goblins, he ate the Spoils of War too


Reminds me of HP Lovecraft’s Dunwich Horror

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