Weekly Event: Call to Valor

And? I don’t understand what’s so special about transforming vs (1) destroying a column, (2) gaining attack, (3) shifting troop order, or any of the other things empowered troops can do.

If the AI were remotely intelligent that might be a problem, but it’s terribly easy to look at what would happen if/when Mercy uses her spell and try to prevent a turn extension.

Edit: I whined about Celestasia when Legendary traits became a thing because it was too easy for multi-Celestasia teams to loop near-endlessly. Mercy doesn’t feed herself, so that’s not an issue. (I didn’t whine about Webspinner when she was ridiculously overpowered because I used her on my invade team!)

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Here’s another chart for you regarding the hero classes.
The first chart gets skewed because Warlord is the first class people unlock, so in the SECOND chart we look at class usage by people who have more than a single class unlocked. Warlord is still possibly prominent there because some folks can’t be bothered changing.


Mercy is unique among transformers(as are many of the others in different ways) but that doesn’t make her overpowered.

Her empowered trait makes her quite overpowered to other gem creators, thats my opinion. On her first turn she can fill up Great Maw or Gorgotha. If she was traited with Fast she still would had been very good. So thats the way to go I do believe.

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Good news on the balance change to Boar Rider and Goblin Rocket…

@Sirrian I’d suggest a balance change to the ubiquitous common Goblin that won’t affect newer players - replace his third trait - Nature Link means (with +2 green banner) one match one cast of his spell, which is already too cheap - suggest replace it with something else… Stealthy or just Marauder Bond come to mind…

Oh and cool new Valor troop… Should be spelt Valour obviously…


I think “the use of Class Hero” is not really demonstrative now because many people use certain class to unlock weapons, not by the desire of the entering and using.
In some time, I think we will see more affinities on the same graph


Agree with this…


I got to agree with @Eika on above post. Mercy is very strong and really kicks off some very good teams

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not going to scream nerf but she is very strong

What about weapon’s usage graph?

So what, that happens one in ten games? A lucky cascade can do that too. And regardless, a big no to the fast trait(on any troop for that matter), it is close to useless as a substantial amount of it just results in unneeded mana overflow most of the time.

I doubt Lyya will hate me for mentioning it, but neiter love me, something in the middle I hope. :sweat:

Another Red/Blue?

I sure am glad arcanes drop so much, otherwise I’d be really annoyed at yet another colour duplication while some combinations haven’t had one yet.


It would be overpowered if you could choose a color to change to yellow. If you can’t make a 4-chain, you will likely be making a lot of yellow for enemy.

Other gem creators get to either choose what to change, or adds gems and get + to random stat that can raise magic/attack.

Mercy is a bad defense troop, I often use enemy mercy to fill up my troops. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I just shared my opinion on this, I have nothing more to add. Feel free to disagree.

Moar data plz.

No real surprises on the defence Troop chart, except Dark Master? I don’t have a single idea why he is so popular. Is it being good for low level players and Darkstone didn’t come out until I was mid-level?

Edit: Split this question out as its own thread.

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I will go for the throat. They’ll have to use the jaws of life to pry me away, and even then they might break the tools before they break my conviction.

In general or otherwise cause we have alchemist for selected yellow gem creation.

I definitely feel like Mercy is overpowered to the point of being a ‘must-have’ or at the very least a huge boost for teams… almost like Valkyrie for when I still needed tons of souls. Admittedly I do have times where there aren’t Purple/Yellow clusters to use, and then I also don’t have a use for the Blue and the Green, but more often I just max out something instantly and wreck face.

Alternative to removing Empowered, I would suggest either:

  • Raising her cost slightly to 13 or 14, so she isn’t as strong without it,
  • Removing the Cleanse, or
  • Lowering the power of the ability itself so that it being Empowered isn’t quite as big a deal (i.e. -1 cost, -2 heal, worse ratio, remove Cleanse as said, etc)

Updated the troops list to account for Valor.
