We heard you like Gnomez?

I know something was up when I encountered Gnome 6 times in 15 minutes on explore. Thank you Dev for this increase appearance rate. Traitstone farming is even more enjoyable now! ^^

Can we dial up the occurrence chance of a gnome based on the metagriefiness of the defence?

So a 50% chance that Nyx or Mab get replaced by a gnome?

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If first gnome of the day was 1 in 10…

All the game modes except guild wars.

What game mode will the lil Gnomez pop up in?

Without sounding rude, you could see the answer to your question as you asked it :sweat_smile:


I like when Gnome appear in Ranked PvP. In this case, not only you got extra resource, but also get Gnome replacing Queen Grapplepot, the main damage dealer, rendering the whole team kinda useless. lol

Endless explodes kinda scare me of Gnome end up ran away though. Luckily his state is lower than Goblin, so I can kill him in 2 Krystalnex casts! ^^

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The Gnome takes the stats of whichever troop he replaces.

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I like the “improvement” of the drop rate of gnomes. Yesterday “only” 4 in cca 600 battles and today the big “improvement” 0 in 300+… Please don’t help anymore.


My drop rate has not improved at all, rather the opposite. Yesterday I got 4 gnomes in 120 battles, after the nerf. Today 300 battles, 1 gnome…very dissapointing

So I could potentially face a level 20, Mythic-stats Gnome? Yikes!

And I also have been getting pretty awful luck with gnomes. I’ve done about 120 battles since the encounter rates were raised, and I’ve seen one gnome. Having now complained about the rate, I fully expect that my next five matches will be gnometastic.

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They used that as an excuse to cut rewards in half. So now you hardly see them and when you do who cares. Nothing special. I gave up after 45 minutes because I’m not stupid…yesterday before they made it better 2 in 30 minutes.

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On the bright side… At least he was Mana blocked. :grinning:


Thanks for ‘Official News’

I understand that the biggest patch ever is hectic.

Please dont stealth nerf things without telling the playerbase. So much resentment the past few days :neutral_face:

Did you also hear that we DON’T like souls or minor stones? :person_facepalming:

Why must everything be so bittersweet in the land of GoW. :pensive:


8 gnomes in 2 hrs this evening. Rewards are meh though I think have written them down somewhere and they’ve added a bit of fun to the game at least.

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I am happy to win anything exept the 2 minor stones and the souls

Win 4 gems key or 4 event keys is very nice since these event keys are rare


Someone tell @Tacet I’m gonna race him to a Vault Key :wink:

Every gnome so far that I have encountered has given gems except 2 that have given souls and gold.

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