We all need a personal Safe to put stuff into and save it for a special day

I would also love a gem pouch and a warehouse for my treasure maps, there is room in the middle of the world map screen to implement them. I always lose control when I go treasure hunting…


I was stressed out because everyone came into our guild named (The Rabble) that was the top with the top 10 in the work and continuously mooched from us and never helped we had only six guardian task at the time. And i was mad and angry because everyone trolled us. But now after three attempts making my own guild, proper research on how the developers mange gems of war, and the face i got help for my mood swings and finding a stress free guild i am happy now.

I will explain this as simple as possible, if they give us all a safe, we can put anything we like in that safe and save it from being used until we take it out of the safe. We add 4,000 diamonds in our safe, it’s there forever. When the time comes to spend the diamonds on Mythic, we take it out of the safe.

Everybody has problems and we all try to fix them.

Let me explain this as simply as possible: safe. Is. Useless.


This has been in the game since I have been playing. Back when I was playing a lot I never had under 2 million gold. When I had 3.2 million gold I would donate a million and save the extra 200 for the following week. If I had 2.8 million gold I would donate 800k gold. When factions were released I kept 3 million I donated excess to the guild usually a million and when the new faction was released I used my saved gold to upgrade it but made sure to keep 2 million.

The same with diamonds. When Ironhawk came out I didn’t get it so I saved diamonds and didn’t craft anything until he came and I crafted 2.

The devs don’t need to waste time adding another useless feature that will be bugged you just need to stop spending all of your gold. You can choose the amount to donate to a task. You just need to do a little math in your head or even use a calculator. Take the amount of gold you have and choose an amount you would like to save then subtract the amount you want to save from your total amount of gold and just donate that amount. If you have a million but want to keep 400k saved then just donate 600k. The whole playerbase has been doing that for years it is really easy.


But you are asking the devs to fix them for you, so you can play the game mindlessly & ignorantly.


To be able to save up what you want in the safe personally by putting in a safe for you alone for your needs and wants to be able to save up gold, diamonds, gems, and have them in a safe that will not be spent unless you take them out is Useless? Ok then if that’s how you think about that, it’s fine.

We should stop replying to this train wreck of a thread.

OP either can’t or doesn’t want to understand what anyone writes so it’s useless. A little amusing but still useless.


But shouldn’t there be something to keep us from taking things out of the safe and using them, either by accident or intentionally? I mean, if someone currently spends too much gold on guild tasks, they might end up taking too much gold out of the safe and spending it on guild tasks. Maybe the safe should just be one-way, we can put things in there but can’t take them out again? That feels like it would solve all overspending issues.