Valraven appearing rates

Heeeyyyy Devs!!! What the hell??? Why the hell Valraven appears less often??? It appeared each 3 battles but now it appears 1/3 less often! I’ve bought 5 shops in a bounty event and I got only 16 Valravens instead of 24 from 24 start sigils.

Also now I can’t get all the rewards from faction assault events on tuesday without buying one shop because one of valravens doesn’t appear in one of the delves.

Is it a bug or you just nerfed the appearance rate of Valraven (IDK why you did you do that if you are because every player have an ability to use a few sigils instead of one, which is useless now)???

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There are a number of delve configurations where you cannot score high enough to get all of the rewards with the combination of “free” sigils plus 4 (2 x 2) from Valravens. It’s been that way for a long time; that’s simply a result of many delves not scoring high enough unless you get significant good luck with which individual rooms appear.

You don’t understand. In the past, the Valraven have appeared in one of the battles of delves, 1 Valraven per 1 stock sigil (9 delves in total). Now only 2 Valravens appear per 3 stock sigils (7 delves). I’m clearing every room in my delves (the first thing I always do is a Valraven assasination so every single Valraven gives me 2 extra sigils) but in the end I still need almost 3k points to get the last reward just because one of the Valravens doesn’t appear.

The same problem with the bounty right now! 1/3 of Valravens have not appeared, so I got less bounty points and the last reward is not collected. I understand that there will be 8 more free sigils to get the last reward. But it’s unfair that 1/3 of Valravens just disappeared!

I got more Valravens than usual in Bounty. Enough for level 19 already and if 2 more appear I’ll get 20. That hasn’t happened in a long time and I always buy the same tiers.

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In delve events, Valravens appear about every 45-50 battles played (usually, you get one on the very first floor you play, and if not, it appears on one of the first battles on the next floor). On Tuesday, if you were doing full clears (playing every single battle on each level) and in the end you are 3k points short to reach the last reward and you reached floor 80, you didn’t miss any Valravens, you just had unlucky layout rooms on the way. If the game cheated you out of a Valraven, you’d stop at floor 60 (2 sigils) and you’d need much more points than just the 3k.

Some Tuesday delves practically guarantee reaching the last reward for free, but with some, due to their layout and distribution of higher scoring rooms, there’s no chance and you need to buy that 30-gem extra sigil.


IDK how you did it but I got 16 valravens instead of usual 24 (5 shops).

Nope, you’re wrong! I clear all the rooms in all the delves in tuesday for a long time just to lvl up my classes. I clearly remember that for every sigil I have at the beginning of faction assault (no matter its for one day or for 3 days) I get 2 extra sigils for each stock sigil every time. But a few weeks ago something happened with valraven appearance. Now one of the valravens doesn’t appear, not 3 valravens per 3 stock sigils (3+6=9 sigils total), but 2 valravens per 3 stock sigils (3+4=7 sigils total). Every single tuesday faction assault there were 3 valravens per 3 delves. Now only two!

And now this thing with bounty. Again 1/3 of total valravens have not appeared. I got 16 instead of 24! Coincidense???

Nobody else is reporting the same issue, the opposite was confirmed above. This means that it looks like your account problem, not a game-wide problem. You need to file a support ticket and have the devs look at your account. Click the “support” button at the very top of the page, and then “submit request”, and describe your issue, and wait for the devs to reply.

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T5 here as well, and judging by my score (204,000) I played 50 battles on day 1 with a score multiplier of x24. (Hero, Captain at mythic, 2 other bounty troops at mythic)

60,000 for the first 20 battles.
Subtract that from the total (204,000-60,000=144,000).
Divide this by each battle’s score (144,000/4,800=30) and add the early 20 battles back onto this score.
Then subtract the free battles and shop sigils, divide by 2 ((50-24)/2) and I got 13 ravens along the way.
Judging by past events I end up with a flat 300k score on Sunday, which tells me I need to play 20 more battles out of 8 free sigils.
The math above equals to a rate of 2.846 battles/raven (if exclude the battles with a raven) and getting 6 ravens in 18 battles is a flat 3, so technically all within range.

With a T5 buy-in you should be getting all rewards by Sunday with a team of 3x mythic and 1 legendary bounty troop or 3x mythic and the hero.

First things first,
this is not true.

Valravens appear at an average rate of 1 per 4 battles. It has always been the case and they never have appeared at a rate of 1 per 3 battles.

Second, @Dwuemka already explained about delves.
I’ll just add that, with full clears and no shop, you get first raven on L20/30 and second raven on 50/60 (although, very very rarely - once, maybe twice a year - that second raven does not appear), so almost always you end Tuesday assault on L80.
Never in my life have I seen third raven appearing from the free sigils (it comes at L90/100 and requires either T1 or T2 from the shop) - and I used to spend a lot of time tracking these things.

Third, 24 ravens out of 24 starting sigils is impossible. 24 extra battles - meaning 12 ravens - out of 24 starting sigils sound right, but not 48 extra battles you claim.

T5 with x24 bounty team and I end Friday at about the same spot as I always do. Nothing seems wrong.


T5, 223 200 points, x24 team
223 200 / 24 = 9300 pts for all played battles without multiplying
9 300 - 1900 (battles 1-19) = 7400 pts for 20 room battles only
7 400 / 200 = 37 played battles in room 20
37 + 19(rooms 1-19) - 24(20 sigils from T1-5 + daily 4 sigils) = 32 extra sigils (16 valravens)


I clearly remember that the last bounty it was 24 valravens per 24 sigils (20 sigils from T1-5 + daily 4 sigils) and I’ve got 300k pts at friday. I remember this because I’ve cleared the bounty at friday for the first time on T5 with Ruby Macaque team!!! 300k pts on T5 at friday!!! As I’ve said, 8 valravens (16 sigils) are missing today. This means

200 x 24 x 16 = 76 800 pts

76 800 + 223 200 = 300k points

Where are my 8 valravens???

1 per 3 battles, not 1 per 4! EVERY TIME!

I’ve always got valravens on lvl’s 20, 50 and 30 (EACH 3 delves starting from the first delve lvl 20, EVERY TIME)
I’ve ALWAYS got valravens EVERY third battle starting from the first battle (1st, 4th, 7th battle, …)

I’ve tracked this a LOT of time too.


from 24 sigils at start, I’ve shown all the math in a reply above!

I’ve finished not at “about the same”, but at exact spot I’ve should using the sigils I’ve got. This means I’ve finished the last bounty at 300k pts BECAUSE the game gave me 24 valravens per 24 start sigils. EACH 3RD BATTLE STARTING FROM 1-ST!!!

This Screenshot ist absolutely legit and @Dust_Angel even encountered one more raven than I did with a score of 213,600.

And your math seems also correct for a x24 team, however you’ve gotten yet another raven on top that.
Not sure which way we derive this topic any further.
The faction part of the bug report has been explained and may I be the first to doubt you’ve ever gotten a score of 300k on a Friday with a x24 team.

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Valraven appearance is not RNG, so it means that you can’t get another amount of extra sigils without losing a battle on the same tier.

I don’t care about your doubts because I know how it was! The fact I don’t have a “legit” screenshot from my last bounty with 300k T5 x24 on friday does not automatically means I’m a liar!

The following thread continues this thread (Valraven appearing rates)

@Dust_Angel , @Tatz

Still gonna say that I’m a liar? Here’s some screenshots:


This is my score at friday from the last bounty, T5, x24 team (as I’ve previously said I’ve got only 16 valravens from 24 sigils which means I got 223 200 pts instead of 300k pts, as it WAS in the next to last bounty)

And here’s my results on fiday for this bounty. T6, x24 team.
Yes, I have 8 sigils, but this is ONLY because I’ve made these screenshots 1 min ago, I’ve not touched them yet!

You gonna say “Tony, you’re a crappy liar 'cause you haven’t shown us screenshots from the next to last bounty event!”

I gonna say “I didn’t know I will need them 'cause I didn’t know that there will be this kind of situation”

Still gonna say that everything is fair? Is this just a coincidence that players need to buy one more tier to get EXACTLY THE SAME results (not “about the same” as in your “absolutely legit” screenshots, @Dust_Angel , @Tatz )???

What you gonna say if I show you EXACTLY THE SAME results in the next bounty T6, x24 team? That I’m a liar? I’ve shown my proofs, that’s not my problem if you don’t want to say they’re “legit”! That I’m a cheater? Cheaters buy nothing in games for real money, but I’m a VIP 9!

So please, stop making the game more fair thru “fair RNG” and “Pay-to-Win”!

We’ve never called you a liar, we were just doubting the fact that you gained 300k points on the first day of a bounty event with a T5 buy-in.

Here are my results for this weekend, which are pretty much expected. Flat 300k on Sunday with a T5 and a x24 team.

You get all rewards with T5 anyways.


First of all.

Really??? Doubting the facts means that somebody may say the false info which means that this person can be a liar! You may not called me a liar directly, but you did it indirectly!

Second. Fun math fact.

Valravens now appear in 5 different ways (in the next battle, 1 per 2 battles, 1 per 3 battles, 1 per 4 battles and 1 per 5 battles). I’ve checked it by marking the sequence of valraven drop rate for a few events a few weeks ago.

I’ve asked support about the changes at valravens drop rate. Support told me that:

“Getting a Valraven once every 3 battles consistently is EXTREMELY lucky and unlikely, but not impossible.
You have actually had much more luck finding Valravens than most other players if you have been finding them that consistently for a long period of time.”

I’ve started to check the appearance rate THREE YEARS AGO just for fun. Just to understand if there is a sequence of valraven appearance. All these THREE YEARS valravens have dropped EACH 3rd battle/delve.

Now the math:

There is 20% chance to get the “1 per 3 battles” valraven appearance (because of the ways they appear).
This means that the total chance to get the “1 per 3 battles” valraven appearance EVERY day FOR 3 YEARS in a row is

0.2^1095 = 4.24*10^-766

According to a 2017 Harvard University study, the odds that your plane will crash are one in 1.2 million

The chance to survive in 125 airplane crashes in a row is:

(8,310^-7)^125 = 1/2610^-760

Which means that I have a bigger chance to survive 125 airplane crashes in a row and yet it will be the bigger chance than getting THREE YEARS ‘‘1 per 3 battles’’ VALRAVEN APPEARANCE STREAK!!!


These chances are so small that they’re practically ZERO!!!

T6 gives 8 sigils.

You get 300k on Sunday with T6 and 8 sigils left which is equivalent to T5 and 0 sigils left, which is exactly what Tatz showed above

Funnily enough, the screenshots you posted are proof that you did not get 300k on Friday with T5, because you needed all Saturday and Sunday sigils to get there.

In fact, it is impossible to get 300k on Friday with T5 even if you use a x30 team


As I’ve said, I have NO screenshots from previous bounties 'cause I didn’t know that I need them to proof my words.
In fact, I’ve used to get 300k pts T5 x24 on friday. It WAS possible cause I was “so lucky” to catch a valraven every third battle starting from the very first battle

Here’s the maths that proof my point of view (copied from my previous thread):


T5, 223 200 points, x24 team
223 200 / 24 = 9300 pts for all played battles without multiplying
9 300 - 1900 (battles 1-19) = 7400 pts for 20 room battles only
7 400 / 200 = 37 played battles in room 20
37 + 19(rooms 1-19) - 24(20 sigils from T1-5 + daily 4 sigils) = 32 extra sigils (16 valravens)


I clearly remember that the last bounty it was 24 valravens per 24 sigils (20 sigils from T1-5 + daily 4 sigils) and I’ve got 300k pts at friday. I remember this because I’ve cleared the bounty at friday for the first time on T5 with Ruby Macaque team!!! 300k pts on T5 at friday!!! As I’ve said, 8 valravens (16 sigils) are missing today. This means

200 x 24 x 16 = 76 800 pts

76 800 + 223 200 = 300k points

This is tacet 6 months ago with T5 and x30 team on Friday. As I said it is impossible to reach 300k with T5.

Sorry but your memory is playing trick on you. Everyone gets roughly the same amount of valravens with a difference +/- 1 depending on luck, not 8 as you claimed.

Everyone’s screenshots, including yours show the expected number of valravens. Only your memory thinks something different.